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- Hadies -

Guess who's back, baby? That's right. Me. I'm back for another round. Well, I'd rather be back for another round of lasagna but hey, I'll take what I can get.

So, let me get you caught up on what you missed. I'm kidding, you missed absolutely nothing. Currently, I am sitting at some random coffee shop with a new friend of mine. None of us "lesser evils" have seen Maleficent in almost a week. Gothel just won't stop making snippy comments about me and for some reason, I've been listening to her. And lastly, did you hear about Sleeping Beauty puking up in Gothel's english class? Ah, I have to wipe an imaginary tear from laughing so hard; the poor kid might never be able to she her face there again.

Ah, life is good. So far. Something inside me tells me that little Zeusy boy, Hercules will always find a way to ruin my little fun. Oh, well, at least I'm not in debt to my brothers. That was the one thing I don't miss. Those bozo, bucket, wind brains couldn't even find their way to Zeus's front door. Good riddance to them.

Well, I think I should tune back into the conversation now.

"A school doctor. Is that really what I have been reduced to? A stinking school doctor? I used to run New Orleans back in our world. I had everyone under my grasp, wound around my sinful finger. Now, look at me! I work for nothing."

"Well, look at it this way, at least you now get paid and have health coverage," Gothel said in her snotty tone.

"At least you aren't teaching kids who don't know the difference between the Greek and Roman times or a one from a two." I took a long sip of my coffee.

"Oh, they should know the difference between the Greek and Roman eras. Roman men were just divine and Greek men... well," She gave me a once over, "I think we know what they're like."

I watched as she now took a long sip of her drink. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Simply as is. The men of Greek mythology aren't as handsome as the scrumptious Roman men." She shrugged her shoulders.

"You two fight like little children," the round man now spoke up.

I could feel my hair turn to fire. "Call me a child and I will throw you into my pool of souls and then happily drag you out to do it again, and again, and again."

"Mm, can I watch? Watching a man work might make me change my mind."

I looked over at Gothel. "And here I thought killing people made you feel some way, Gothel. I guess I was wrong about you."

She gave me a crude smile. Before she could say anything back another person― or should I say snake ―sat down at the table.

"Ugh, what a horrid day!" he announced. Drama queen alert. "I am nothing but some civil servant but worse."

"Oh, no! Jafar, a 'Civil servant'! Not again." I cracked a smile at Gothel's joke.

"As if a low life, nothing like you would understand."

"She may be nothing, but at least she doesn't prey on young girls like you do. Also, I thought teaching drama was Ursula's thing and not yours." He looked at me now.

He scoffed. Ooh, scoff now because the only thing you will be scoffing at is your pitiful little life, Jafar.

"Says the man with no culture or life." He looked at his nails. "You'll never understand."

"Then we suggest you leave, Jafar."

He got up, said some words, and finally left us alone. "How Jafar you think he'll go before he comes running back?" I said. Everyone deadpanned to me. Critics.

"Your jokes are funnier than when we first met."

I smiled at her. "Only for you, babe," I teased her.

What I wasn't expecting was the red tint on her face once my words reached her ears. Wait, I think she likes me. Damn, I think she likes me! Well, this is great... not.

Thankfully, Facilier changed the subject. "So, where do you think Maleficent is?"

We all shrugged. "Who cares. Now, at least we get to kill our little heroes. Oh, how the mighty will fall."

"Or so you think..." something in the back of my mind spoke.

I pushed up from my chair and walked off. "Going to check that pesky book. Come if you want, I don't care."

The others followed me back to the school. Honestly, I was happy that they came with me. I really didn't want to come in here alone, this little shed scared me for some reason.

We took a look at the book and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Everything seems fine and looks to be going our way. Good.

"Hadies, my old pal!"

Oh, no. Zeus.

"What was that one line from my son's movie? Ah, yes. Oh, Hadies! I'm home!" 


► S H O O K ! ◄

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