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- Amoura -

"Please, please stop! Please, don't cut it off. Please, I beg of you, please do not cut my wing from my body!"

Looking up through the tears and seeing the young king. Seeing the evil in his eyes. He smiled down wickedly and brought his sword back above his head.

"Please, Emmet, please you must help me. Please! I am very sorry for what I did. I am sorry I hurt you, I can make it right, just please help me, Emmet!"

The king brought back his sword and laughed. "Please, King Stefan, please don't do this. Why are you doing this? I thought you―"

"Loved you? Ha! I would never love such an odd creature like you. I simply needed you here for this. You see, I wanted the people of my kingdom to see a true fairy and watch as I cut off its wings. That, my dear, is why you are here."

Words could not describe the things felt. Emotions ran all at once, fixing and merging together. He had betrayal was all that was felt, betrayed was how the heart felt. Hate. Hate was all that was felt now.

Hope. hope was all that was left; whispering a chant, a wish to the only one who could stop this, hoping she would hear. "Please, Fairy godmother, please, please come save me. Please stop this man from cutting my wings off. Please, I do not wish to fall from my brothers and sisters' arms; please, I wish to only help others. Please."

The sharp blade pierced through the last wing and―


I jumped up from my sleep and absorbed the room around me. People. People filled desks in uniform rows. Every eye snapped to me, including the instructor's. I stood, scanning the room. Where did he go? Where was that evil king? The one who cut off my... I don't have wings? I spun around in circles, trying to see my back, to see my wings. Nothing.

Lightheaded, I clutched onto the desk behind me and held my head. What happened? Where were my wings? Did I even have wings in the beginning? Where am I? Where was that king?

"Ms. Dreams," the female voice belonging to the instructor cut in. "Once again, you have fallen asleep in my class. I will not tolerate this behavior in my room! If you need to sleep, I suggest you do it―"

Something inside me didn't set right. In an instant, my stomach heaved up and out came my lunch. But this time, everything was red. At one point, I stopped seeing my lunch and kept seeing this red liquid spew from my mouth. Dark dots filled my vision, coming in and out.

Finally, it stopped and I couldn't hold myself together. My body began to give out on me but not before someone grabbed me. Whoever they were, they had strong arms and a warm body. I just wanted to snuggle up into them and take a little nap...

They jerked my body. "Hey, stay with me. Are you feeling okay? Do you need to go to the school doctor?"

"Why are you asking her if she needs to see the school doctor? The girl just puked up her lunch and maybe even her stomach. Go!"

The boy lifted my arm up and helped me walk out of the room. The dark dots began to fade as we stepped foot out of the room. I took in a deep breath and began feeling better. I watched as Mr. Lawrence the janitor walked by. He glared into me and through my soul.

"I'm sorry!" I called out after him. I heard him mumble something and slam shut the classroom door.

"Are you feeling better?" the person holding me up asked.

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