Chapter 9

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Two days. Jai didn't even try speaking to me for two days. Every time I saw him in the hotel, he would immediately walk past me and go to his room. He refused to even get out of his room. I understood why he was mad. The things I said to him were real bitchy and I basically admitted that I hated him more than anything straight to his face. There were moments when I felt that I went a little too far, but I instantly blocked those thoughts. Now wasn't the time for regrets. I've had way too many regrets already.

"Jai already left." Beverly said while packing her bags. We were going back home in an hour.

I stopped putting my shirt in my bag. He already left? "How the fuck did he leave?" He couldn't have taken either one of the cars because we needed both of them.

She shrugged. "I'm not so sure. I think he told his friend to pick him up." She paused. "I didn't know he was leaving, honestly. Luke told me just a while ago, after Jai left. If you thought I knew this all along, believe me I didn't!" She looked extremely nervous.

"Did I say I care?" Jai clearly left because he didn't want to spend even a second in the car with me.

"Ava? Did um, something happen with you and him?"

"None of your business." And it really wasn't.

I didn't bother listening to her reply. I grabbed my bag and my suitcase and went downstairs to the lobby. My mind wasn't focused on any of the boys or Beverly. My mind was focused on my dad and Rachel. A part of me really didn't want to go back. I didn't want to see them.


"How fucking dare you leave for four days without telling me at all? Without even calling me? I was worried sick about you! I thought someone killed you!" It has literally been five minutes since I stepped into the house and she's already screaming.

I glared at her. "Why would I even call you? Are you my mom? My friend? My family? You're in neither one of those categories. Don't act like you care, because I fucking know you don't. And why does it matter if I died? It would actually make you happy, right? You would be throwing a party the same day as my funeral." I smirked. "Hey, you should invite my mom over too. She loves parties and loves getting drunk. Maybe you two will become good friends."

"You fucking-"

I silenced her. "Wouldn't want Adam to hear his mother insulting and swearing." I pointed to where Adam was standing. She immediately stopped talking and smiled at Adam.

"Ava? Did you bwing me chocolate?" Adam's shiny eyes were full of curiosity.

I smiled and handed him the chocolate bar I bought at the mall. Before he could even grab it, Rachel snatched it away from his hand with a lot of force. "Don't you dare eat that, Adam. How many times did I tell you not to trust her? She's bad!" Rachel said while pointing at me. This made Adam cry. I shoved past her and hugged Adam.

"Why don't you go watch TV and I'll see you in a little bit." I smiled at Adam, who ran into the living room. I then turned to Rachel and stopped myself from punching her hideous face. "You need to stop." I took a deep breath. "You really need to stop. I get that you don't like me, but don't make Adam cry by telling him how evil or bad I am." I began walking upstairs with the suitcase and bag before I stopped and looked at her again. "I may get hurt by people a lot. But that doesn't mean I'm going to hurt him in any way."

She still looked pissed. I didn't really care though. She could be mad all she wants and it would never affect me in any way. I locked myself in my room and lay in my bed. My room was dark. It brought me into my own world. I could connect with the room. The darkness of my room was parallel to the darkness that was stored in my own heart. The thing about depression is that it never really gets better. I could attempt to smile and I could even try to laugh, but it's still there. Depression isn't just an ordinary pain, it's much more than that. It's the kind of pain that stays with you. You can fight it, you can work hard to stop it, but it never goes away. That pain remains with you forever. My thoughts were put on hold the minute I heard my phone ring. No one ever called me except her.

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