Chapter 24

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A week passed by already and I still couldn't accept the fact that I was dating Jai. It all just seemed like some really lovely dream. We hung out almost everyday and I found my love for him getting deeper and stronger. Everyone was aware that him and I were together and they didn't stop with the envious stares. They were clearly jealous that I was dating him especially when it was clear that he was a major player that never dated anyone. It surprised me that he actually wanted me to be his girlfriend. Of all the girls in our school, he loved me. There was something extremely shocking and inconceivable about that. Not that I was complaining.

"Okay, there's dinner for three days in the fridge. I already did all the laundry and your clothes are clean and piled on your bed. There's an extra key on the counter in case you need it. My car keys are also there, but you need to promise me that you won't leave the house after ten. Is that understood?" Rachel said after grabbing her suitcase.

My dad, Rachel, and Adam were all going on a small vacation to Vegas for three days. They insisted that I go with them, but I refused. They already had to deal with me everyday, they deserved a break away from me.

"You should've agreed to come." My dad frowned.

I poured myself a glass of water. "I can't, dad. I have school and I seriously need to focus on that right now. You guys have fun."

"Your phone must be on at all times. I'm going to keep calling you to check on you." My dad grabbed Rachel's suitcase and stood by the door.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "I'm not a little kid anymore, but okay, sure, I'll keep my phone on."

Adam ran up to me and gave me a tight hug. "I'll miss you." He said, in his sweet little voice.

After agreeing to all of Rachel's rules, they finally left. I had the whole house to myself and I couldn't stop myself from feeling a little lonely.

I took a seat on the couch and turned on the TV. I might as well just watch something before I go to bed. I browsed through all the channels until I finally found a movie that seemed a little interesting. I also checked my phone to see if Jai texted or called, but he didn't. He hasn't been replying to my texts all day. A part of me was super irritated that he was ignoring me, but then the other part was just lonely. I mean, he couldn't always talk to me. He did have a life and he had loads of friends to hang out with. I needed to give him some space. I wasn't gonna become some clingy girlfriend.

I turned off the TV and after making sure all the doors were locked, I went upstairs to my bedroom. I didn't really feel like going to sleep. It wasn't because I was upset, because I really wasn't. Honestly, I've never been happier. I was currently content with my life.

My phone vibrated underneath my pillow. I jumped slightly and then unlocked my phone.

Open your window.

Why was Jai at my window?! What the hell?

I jumped out of my bed and pushed my curtains aside. I almost screamed when I saw him near my window. I quickly opened the window and he came inside.

"I have a billion questions right now, but I'd really like to know how on earth you climbed all the way up to my window." It wasn't possible for him to climb up here unless he climbed up the tree and then jumped towards the window. And if he did that, he'd be dead by now.

He shrugged. "People don't call me a badass for no reason." He words were slurred.

I closed my window and stared at him. "You're drunk." It wasn't a question, it was more of a statement.

"Aw, Ava, you know me so well." He fell on my bed and smiled at me.

I didn't return the smile.

"So while you were ignoring me and I was worried about you, you were busy getting drunk?" I snapped. "How could you?! And then you decide to come over to my place so that I can take care of you?" How could he do this? "I thought I told you not to get drunk!" I yelled at him.

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