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"Atlas lend me your burden, it cannot be heavier than my heart."
- L.H. -


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Lush valleys and towering mountains rushed past, as the Scarlet Steam train swept across the countryside, breathing puffs of smoke into the air. The scene was one of serenity and peace- a stark contrast to the recent events. Violet Jones breathed a contented sigh. The Ravenclaw girl occupied an empty carriage,  a book in her hand as usual, as she waited for her friends to return from their prefect meeting.Her Scops owl, Apollo, hooted in his cage beside her. She reached a hand out to stroke his beak through the bars. 

The summer holiday had been a welcomed break from endless studying and exams of fifth year. It was a warm haze of sun filled days and adventures, safely tucked away in her mind. But there was nothing quite as pleasant as returning to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry.

Violet licked her index finger and turned the page of her battered copy of "Romeo and Juliet". She was immersed in the fictional world of fair Verona, grasping onto the final fleeting moments of normalcy. She loved magic with all her heart but, despite already being in her sixth year, she was still not used to it. When her first Hogwarts letter had arrived, 6 years ago, she thought it was a odd joke. Her mum was a muggle, her dad was a muggle, her older brother a muggle.

But not Violet- She was a witch.

It seemed impossible, but as her 11 year old self had read the cursive green ink she had a  strange feeling that she had always known.

"Violet Jones! You will never believe what just happened!" a voice shrieked excitedly

Anne Hall, her fellow Ravenclaw, burst into the carriage shattering her solitude. Apollo hooted crossly. Gently folding the corner of her page, Violet shut her book and raised an expectant eyebrow at her friend. Anne threw herself unto the seat opposite, blonde hair falling from her ponytail and cheeks tinted pink.

She grinned in such a irresistible way that Violet couldn't contain her own smile.

"I was in the prefect meeting, which you already knew because I told you at the station and, well, i am a prefect so where else would I be-"

"I think your getting sidetracked" Violet smirked, placing her hand on Anne's shoulder to calm her.

"Oh I'm sorry, but its so exciting, top quality, amazing gossip!"

The door to the carriage slid open. A rather disgruntled Lily Evans stood in the doorway. She tossed her hair, in fake nonchalance. 

"Has she told you?"

Violet raised a eyebrow, beckoning the red haired girl to sit beside her.

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