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"You're in too deep this time, you know that?"

"You're in too deep this time, you know that?"

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"This is so exciting, Violet!" Anne grinned happily beside Violet, in front of the vanity mirror.

Violet rolled her eyes sarcastically, but couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips as she looked at Anne's face. Her friend was positively beaming.

"I think you're excited enough for the both of us." She hummed, dragging a brush through her wild hair.

She frowned slightly at her reflection. Violet didn't consider herself unattractive, but she often thought her face was rather odd. Her eyes too large, nose to thin for her face. In her 3rd year she had tried to charm her impossibly curly hair to lie flat- she spent a night in the hospital  wing being treated for burns.

"Earth to Violet." Anne poked her friends side, causing her to squirm. "How can you say you're not excited! Alex is a total dreamboat."

The brunette bit her lip, tucking her hair behind her ear, making a noncommittal noise.

Anne swiped a lip balm across her lips, watching Violets nervous actions in the mirror. Slowly replacing the cap, she carefully replaced the lip balm onto the table and then turned to face her. Violet ignored this, and reached for her own lip balm. Anne chose her next words with great caution. 

"Is it Sirius?"

The brunettes hand faltered, pausing mid air for a moment. Before jerking out for the lip balm. Anne noticed this, and raised an eyebrow. Violet painted her lips slowly, feeling Anne's scrutinizing gaze. She fluffed her hair and straightened her blue woollen jumper.

"Anne," She said quietly "can I tell you a secret?"

The blonde quickly checked the dormitory was empty, which it was, and nodded her head furiously.

"Always, V."

Violets gaze flicked down to her hands folded in her lap, before returning to Anne's curious eyes.

"If I'm honest, I don't know what I feel. Black, I mean Sirius, has always been...he's always been Sirius. But you said he's been acting different, and I've noticed. He's more, more intense? And I feel something has shifted between us- but then he goes and does things that make me think nothing has changed. That he's still the old Sirius Black, and I'm just that Ravenclaw." She sighed, having spoke very quickly and breathlessly, refusing to gain eye contact.

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