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"What is done in love, 

Is done well."


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Violet hugged her legs tightly to her chest and rested her chin on her knees.
She sat in a widow sill alcove, on what corridor on what floor- she had no idea. Her legs had carried her there as her mind was overflowing, swirling to the brim. Now she understood why Albus Dumbledore had the Pensive in the corner of his office. On the odd occasion that Violet had been in the headteachers office, she had glimpsed the stone basin flickering gently (Curiosity had got the best of her and she had gone to the library immediately to research what it was). 

Just a few minutes ago she had seen it again. The pensive had winked in its cupboard, a memory swirling on its surface. Violet did not ask what it was, she hardly thought about the object that had once seized her mind so forcefully. No, she had been consumed by Dumbledores words. She had no emotion to spare for magical basins.

Once the meeting was over, Violet had almost stumbled from the room. Her head buzzed. Adrenaline raged through her. Thankfully it was still 6th Lesson, so she had been alone in the corridors as she stumbled away to the alcove. She did not know how long she had been alone up there. The Ravenclaws fingertip traced swirling lines against the cool window glass and she sighed heavily. From her position she had a overhead view of the Black Lake, and she watched as the Giant Squid bobbed it huge head. But as the creature disappeared into the murky depths, she became aware of a deep fear growing in her stomach. Dumbledore had given her a proposition. It was one she wanted, so forcefully. But also one she feared. She shivered.


Violet gasped sharply, jumping in shock and falling from the ledge. She stumbled and grabbed the speaker to stable herself. Calming her nerves, she looked up.

"We have to stop meeting like this." She mused, moving away and standing up straight.

Sirius Black raised an eyebrow.

"Shame, I really enjoy it."

"I can't say I enjoy the regular heart attacks and falling over." She said dryly and sat back on the alcove, tucking her legs beneath her.

Sirius chuckled, and gestured at the space beside her. 

"May I sit with you?"

"If you have to." She hummed nonchalantly, but could not prevent the smile emerging on her lips.

As he moved to sit beside her, she found her eyes drifting again to the Hogwarts grounds. Darkness was falling now, as the hours ticked into evening. Shadows stretched out from the forbidden forest, swamping the grass like spilt ink. Hagrid's hut was just visible, it's windows bright from fiery torch light. Lessons were over now and Violet presumed that floors beneath her students were rushing to the Great Hall for dinner. Despite not having eaten since lunch, she did not feel hungry. Her stomach was filled with anxiety.

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