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"I want to be with you,
it is as simple,
and as complicated as that."
-Charles Bukowski-

"-Charles Bukowski-

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"Sirius Black!"  Violet hissed at the Boy in front of her "Don't you dare ignore-"

She groaned in frustration as Sirius strode into the Great Hall, his face stormy. Quickly catching up to him, the brunette pulled at his arm.

"Sirius, stop."

He tugged his arm out of her grip, without looking at her, eyes focused on the far end of the Gryffindor table. Remus, James and Peter were sat there, eating shepherds pie merrily. As Sirius and Violet drew nearer, James looked up and grinned widely. The smile soon slid off to a look of confusion when he took in Sirius's angry expression and Violets panicked one. He nudged Remus and nodded in the couples direction. Remus did a double take, mirroring James rapid emotional change. 

Violet felt heat rise into cheeks as students turned in their seats and whispered loudly to each other. She cringed visibly. In her peripheral she spotted Anne staring from the Ravenclaw table, her fork hanging forgotten halfway to her mouth.

Sirius rounded on Remus, grabbing his shirt collar and pulling him up. James quickly sprang to his feet and pushed Sirius back firmly.


"What do you think you're playing at, mate?" Sirius growled lowly, ignoring James attempts to push the pair apart.

Remus frowned, utterly perplexed. His gaze landed on Violet, who was trying to pull Sirius back, and he omitted a soft "oh" of understanding. He looked at his friend solemly.

"She wanted to help-"

"Let's take this somewhere private Sirius, yeah?" James said nervously, not catching on.

"You know the risk, the danger of it," Sirius continued, ignoring James yet again "Yet you recommend her!" His voice rose slightly, fists clenched.

Peter sat with his mouth open on the opposite side of the table, watching his friends argue. The Great Hall was filled with murmurs and watching the events with beady eyes. 

"Sirius, Stop for a second." Violet said calmly, aware now that they had the attention of the entire student body. Her eyes flicked to the teachers table and to both her dismay and joy it was nearly empty- there was no help there.

Evanescent {SIRIUS BLACK}Where stories live. Discover now