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"Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy." 

-F. Scott Fitzgerald-

 Scott Fitzgerald-

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"Are you sure this will work, Moony?" Sirius huffed, lounged across a sofa in the Gryffindor common room. His legs draped over the armrests carelessly, head resting on his arms, in an unintentional position of casual elegance.

Remus scoffed loudly, without looking up, bent over towers of parchment. Carefully, He dipped his quill into an ink pot before continuing to write. Peter threw a Bertie Botts bean above him. The small bean arced high before tumbling back down, and the mousey boy swerved to catch it in his mouth and failed. The bean rolled across the rug sadly.

  "Why is my name last?" James exclaimed, giving Remus a side eye as he peered over Remus's shoulder, his hair wild from running his hands through it numerous times. Reaching over, Potter jabbed his finger at the parchment, "This is outrageous!"

"It just flows better, 'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs'- anyway it's too late to change it now," Remus sighed, dragging his hand over his face in exasperation.

"Wait, what does Messrs mean?" Peter asked, chewing another sweet with his mouth open.

"It's just a title to refer to more than one man simultaneously-" 

"But why not 'Messrs Prongs, Moony, Wormtail and Padfoot'," James interrupted Remus, flailing his arms.

Sirius sat up sharply, narrowing his eyes "Hey, Why is my name last now?"

"Because it flows better," James imitated.

"Not as much as 'Messrs Padfoot, Moony, Padfoot and Wormtail'."

 "Hey! " Peter squeaked.  

"Eh," James shrugged, leaning back again "I can get behind that."

"I've already wrote the order down, so can we drop this?" Remus sighed, picking up his wand and raising it above the parchment. 

He tapped the parchment twice, performed a complicated hand movement, and murmured 'Homonculous'. A wash of shimmery light flew across the parchment like rippling water. Remus's careful handwriting pulsed before sinking into the paper and vanishing. The group of boys stared. 

"What now?" James asked, barely a moment later.

Sirius took his wand out of his trouser pocket, and began tapping the paper repeatedly in quick succession. 

"Open. Begin! Start! Appeareo-"

"Stop, stop, stop, stop," Remus protested, reaching out to still Sirius's hand  "You're going to take someones eye out, Sirius."

"Well go on then, Moony. We don't have all day- or have you forgotten what day it is?" 

Sirius pointed at the common room window, where light was slipping away quickly. Remus followed his friends pointing and fidgeted slightly at the sight of dusk falling. He cleared his throat. 

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good ." 


"I swear to Merlin, McGonagall is trying to murder us with essays," Anne whined, flinging her hand in front of her friends face "I can't feel my hand, Violet!"

Violet shooed her friend off, her eyes never leaving the thick volume of 'Quintessence: A Quest'. The words had begun to wobble and blur a few minutes ago as Violet struggled to battle against her increasing fatigue. Seated on her other side, Alex Abbott snored gently with his head against his own open copy. Due to their lateness, the library was empty and eerily quiet: Madam Pince was too far away to shriek at the small noise Alex was omitting. 

Abruptly Violet slammed her book shut- causing Alex to stir violently and Anne to silently cheer. 

"I can't even read anymore." Violent complained, massaging her temples. "What time is it?" 

"11.20pm" Anne replied, checking her wristwatch.

"Whose idea was it to study so late-"

"Yours." Anne grinned, stacking her books "Lets get out of here, I need a 34 hour nap right now." 

The trio packed away their study belongings as quietly (The librarian had emerged again a bookcase over) and quickly as possible. Together they escaped their self inflicted study hell, into the cold air of the hallway. Anne skipped around ahead of the other two, celebrating as quietly as possible. 

"I thought she was tired?" Alex grinned, readjusting his shoulder bag. 

 Violet returned his smile, falling into step beside the Hufflepuff boy. "It's Anne."

"Enough said." Alex laughed, moonlight illuminating his soft features. 

Violet was aware he was good looking, and it wasn't that she didn't enjoy his company, it just wasn't the same as with Sirius. Realizing she was staring blankly at Alex's side profile, she turned instead to look the other way. 

The Ravenclaw stopped dead; Darting across the darkened Hogwarts ground were three shadowy figures. 

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, confused as to why Violet had come to an abrupt stop. He followed her gaze, to see...nothing. The grounds were still and silent. "Violet?"

"I thought i saw..." Violet began, confusion filling her voice "I must have imagined it." 

She could have sworn she saw Sirius Black, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew running towards the Whomping Willow. But then Peter had vanished and Sirius and James had moved to far into the shadow. As much as she wanted to tell her self she had imagined it, something told her what she had seen was true. Either way she was going to get to the bottom of it- but in the morning. She was to tired to think, let alone solve a mystery or deal with Sirius Black. 


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