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"my best dreams and my worst nightmares have the same people in them."


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" it's barely been two weeks- I can't believe how much homework we've already been set!" Anne huffed, her head resting against the library table.

Violet flicked her eyes from her essay on the pros of the 'Aguamenti' charm, to look at her friend. An amused expression graced her features as she placed her quill down.

"Well, we are N.E.W.T students now. What did you expect?"

Anne didn't bother to raise her head as she spoke, voice muffled by the wood.
"Fun filled free periods."

Violet clicked her tongue.
"Learning is fun!" She muttered, picking up her quill again.

This time Anne raised her head, if only to glare.

"You're such a stereotypical Ravenclaw."

Violent raised an eyebrow as she dipped her quill in ink. "Am not."

"Are too!"

"Am not."

"Are too!"

"Are you two trying to get kicked out of Library?" Lily Evans slid onto the seat at their table, dropping a pile of heavy books. "Madam Pince has been particularly grouchy since Potter and Co accidentally dropped dung bombs in the Potions section last week."

Violet scoffed "Key word 'accidentally'.".

"I heard Snape just happened to be in the Potions section when it happened." Anne said, missing the way Lily's shoulders tensed at the mention of her ex friend.

Violet caught this, and scrambled to change the topic. She knew it was a sore area for the gryffindor. Snape had called her a 'Mudblood' to her face last year, and Violet knew how much that had stung. She had been called it her self multiple times, but to be called it by someone you considered a close friend...She couldn't imagine the hurt. Not that she wasn't happy Snape no longer hung out with Lily- the Slytherin was messing with dark magic and deatheaters.

"Talking about potions, did you hear about what Poppy Collins said Slughorn brewed for their lesson?"

The two friends shook their heads, curiously. Violet beckoned them closer (for dramatic effect).


The trio shared a look.

"No way!" Anne squealed, earning glares from the closest tables.

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