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"There is a voice that dosent use words. listen."

- rumi -

- rumi -

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"I hate him."

"Lily," Violet hummed sympathetically, holding the crying redhead in her arms. "You two were so close, maybe if you talked-"

"No, V!" Lily said, lifting herself up to look at her friend. "This isn't some silly argument, he called me a, a mudblood! And he's so enticed in the dark arts!"

She shook her head, tears brimming in her eyes. Violet bit her lip. The pair had been friends since second year and never had Violet seen her so distressed. Even Potters antics weren't annoying enough to push her this far.

"I'm scared, Violet. What if he goes to... what if he joins Voldemort?"

"You can't make his choices for him, Lily." The Ravenclaw said softly.

"I know, I've just know him forever- he helped me with Petunia. He helped me with my magic..." Lily ducked her head, tears rolling from her eyes. Violet pulled her friend closer and bit her lip.

"He's clever, Lily. He knows what he's getting into."

Lily Evans raised her head to look at her. She nodded, wiping her face. Her eyes drifted to the tear stains on violets shirt and she bit back a soft giggle.

"I'm sorry I ruined your shirt."

Violet gasped dramatically, throwing her hand onto to her forehead in a mock swoon.

"The tragedy! How will I ever cope!" She squealed. Lily rolled her eyes, laughing.

"I'm sure Sirius Black will like you all the same." She winked.

Violets nose crinkled in distaste.

"Merlin, I hope not."


As she gained consciousness, Violet felt herself being shook gently. Her eyes fluttered open before immediately closing in the violent bright light. She groaned aloud and pressed the heels of her hands against her eyelids.

Evanescent {SIRIUS BLACK}Where stories live. Discover now