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"I am not young enough to know everything."



On the day of all hallows eve Violet found herself shook vigorously awake by  Amelia Long. She let out a disgruntled moan, pulling the bedcovers back over her head, only for them to be ripped back again by the Ravenclaw beater. 

"Violet get up!" Amelia whispered "we have training in less than 5 minutes!" 

Slowly Violet sat up, rubbing her eyes with her knuckles. The early morning light had just started to peak it's way through the dormitory window, a bitter chill to the air. Mournfully, Violet looked at the rest of her sleeping roommates. Amelia threw her Quidditch gear onto her lap.

"It's a Saturday...this is actual torture" She groaned, trudging to the bathroom to get ready nevertheless.

When she emerged in her Quidditch gear, hair scraped back into a ponytail, Amelia was perched on the end of the bed tapping her foot impatiently. As soon as she saw Violet, she leaped up and dragged her to the door.

"We're so late, Farey is going to go insane!"

"Well maybe if he didn't schedule practice as such an ungodly hour on a Saturday." Violet grumbled in response, their feet flying down the stairs.

The common room was unsurprisingly empty, to which neither girl paid much attention to as they dashed through and out of the heavy oak door. As they made their way through the castle, Violet absentmindly noticed that the corridors were also empty. They hadn't seen a single person. This thought hardly improved her mood, as she thought of all the other students snug in their beds while she had to be outside. But the thought of not playing Quidditch made her shudder- she mainly loved the sport because the rest of the student body saw the players as a whole, not individually. Others may have found it stressful but Violet actually found playing a relaxation- She could blend into the team and not be judged individually.  She wasn't half bad at it either. A heavy raindrop fell onto her forehead, and her scowl re-emerged. 

Huddled for warmth, the rest of the Ravenclaw team stood waiting in the middle of the Quidditch pitch. The rain had begun to fall in a light drizzle, the type that soaks you to the bone before you notice. 

"Nice of you two to join us," Collin Farey bristled, his brown hair plastered to his face already. "As I was just saying, we can't relax just because we beat Gryffindor last match. Were only leading by 10 points over Hufflepuff, but everyone knows Slytherin aren't to be forgotten. Not to mention Potter has had the Gryffindors out practicing more often now." 

"This is all very reassuring, Farey," Moses Young piped up, a fellow chaser who was in his final year "But were a pretty strong team this year-"

"This is exactly what I mean! We cant slack off here!" 

Violet and Amelia shared a grin at their captains usual hysterics. Collin had been captain for as long as Violet had been on the team, and he consistently followed the rule of 'work hard, work hard'. That being said, he had transformed Ravenclaw into a formidable opponent, even if it did mean practices at all times and weathers. 

"Were going to do some basic laps first, then move onto some smaller team exercises while I work individually with the positions on some new moves I've researched." Collin finished. As the rest of the team began to mount their brooms and kick off to begin lapping the pitch, Collin gestured Violet over. "Violet, can I have a quick word?"

"Sure, Whats up?"

"Look I know its not your fault but do you mind telling your mate to leave? He is a Hufflepuff, and you know, cant be too careful about spies."

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