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"Tangled thoughts,

Twisted words,

mixed up feelings,

loving hurts."


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Violet took the stairs two at a time, hands raised in the air at an attempt to keep herself balanced and not fall all the way down. She was already late for her prearranged meeting with Alex and so safety was not her first priority. Having mulled it over for a while she was starting to warm to the idea of being more than friends with Alex- after all her cared about her, made her laugh and waited in the pouring rain in the early morning to ask her on a date. Clearly he was a safe bet; though this idea made her cringe. She told herself she wasn't just going with the path of least uncertainty and potential to explode in her face. She wasn't being a coward, not exactly. She tripped slightly over her own foot and staggered slightly, waving her hands manically, before righting herself and continuing at full speed. The hallways were ghostly quiet- literally; she had past at least three ghosts so far. But in terms of alive residents of the castle she hadn't seen anyone at all. In their absence her feet echoed across the hallways as she darted along, dark cloak flying behind her like an oversized bat. Just before she came to the door that would lead her into the entrance hall, arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her sideways into an empty classroom. With a yell, she began relentlessly hitting the arms that encircled her shoulders. 

"Hey, Hey! ouch, Violet!"

Violets fists fell still at his voice and she was released by her captor.

"Sirius! You scared me, I thought it was another bloody Deatheater."

Sirius grinned cheekily, the half light from the torch brackets casting light and shadows across his angular face. 

"And you got me instead, how lucky."

Violet snorted, shaking her head at his arrogance, though she really was relived. 

"Selfless as usual, Black." 

"Oh, are we back to surnames only, Jones?" 

She moved to push his shoulder lightly, only to have her hand intercepted by Sirius larger hand. His fingers laced between hers, warm and gentle, and Violet gave an unconscious sigh watching their hands together. Sirius studied her face, and under the intensity of his gaze she blushed and stepped back, breaking the contact. His hand slipped through hers, to fall at his side.  

"I'm sorry, I'm already late.." 


"I promised I would meet Alex... and well I can't break my promise."

Evanescent {SIRIUS BLACK}Where stories live. Discover now