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"And in the end, we were all just humans, drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness."

-Christopher Poindexter-


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Smiling politely at a group of nervous looking first years, Violet quickly strode up the staircase. Normally she would have stopped to check that they were fine but her mind was someplace else.

Sirius hadn't turned up to the Great Hall.

The Ravenclaw had spent her dinner staring at the huge oak doors, waiting for Sirius to stroll in simply late. However he didn't. Her vegetable soup had grown cold, appetite lost. She couldn't shake the feeling she had upset him somehow.
Eventually Anne had had enough of her friends moping and had shooed her away to find Sirius, muttering about "annoying kids".

Violet had wandered aimlessly down deserted corridors and checking empty classrooms. After being pelted with chalk by Peeves, the not-so-friendly poltergeist who loved annoying students and teachers alike, she had decided to make her way back to the great hall. Maybe she would be in time for some Apple pie.

Walking down a empty corridor, she absentmindedly pulled out her wand (unicorn hair, 6 inches, willow) and performed the incantation to create a small flock of canary yellow birds. It was a nice charm that Lily had taught her- useless but nice. The birds dived and twirled in front of her, in a beautiful choreography. She laughed as they circled her head, chirping happily, a flurry of yellow feathers.

Suddenly a heavy thud sounded beside her, making her jump.

The birds vanished.

Cautiously she stepped towards the small broom closet, her heart beating hard against her chest. Her hand reached out for the door-handle, with a small tremble. Taking a deep breath, with her wand poised at her side, she pulled open the door.

Violet was forced backwards as a large object toppled onto her.

She yelped, grappling for something to stop the fall. Arms wrapped around her and twisted her around in a flurry of black hair and Gryffindor robes. She squeezed her eyes shut as she fell onto the surprising warm floor. Sighing a breath of relief, she pushed herself up. Sirius Blacks steel coloured eyes stared back at her. Their faces were so close, their noses could have brushed. She felt his warm breath hit her cheek, his erratic pulse beneath her palms. The stare lingered with such intensity, Violet felt herself melt. Sirius gaze fell to her lips-

Evanescent {SIRIUS BLACK}Where stories live. Discover now