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"Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy."


Wet mud covered Violets palms, as she slid to the base of the entrance to the tree. She pulled herself up quickly and gripped her wand harder to disguise her tremble. Looking back towards the open air she could just make out the silvery light from Anne's wand.


She turned quickly, directing her wand at the voice. Snape stood barely a few steps away. Her lumos spell threw his gaunt face into sharp relief, breaking through some of the tunnels shadow. Violet stepped towards him, her gaze leaving Snape to the expanse of dark tunnel behind him. It seemed to stretch endlessly forward. She glanced at Snape.

"What is this?" She asked calmly.

It was only then she noticed a glimpse of fear in Snapes black eyes, the sheen of sweat on his forehead, and a slight tremble to match her own. He turned away from her abruptly, without answering, and began to stride down the tunnel. Violet let out a frustrated growl before running to catch him.

"What is this?" She repeated, in between steps.

Their footsteps echoed against the claustrophobic walls. Violet slipped slightly in a muddy puddle but Snape continued to ignore her.

"Snape!" She hissed, grabbing his forearm sharply "Answer me!"

He shot her a annoyed look, brushing her off and quickened his pace. Violet stopped walking. Snape continued for a moment, before stopping and turning back to face her. His knuckles were white from gripping his wand.

"What is this? Answer me or I'm going back." She said sternly. "And don't act like you don't care, I can see you're scared of whatever is down here. Do you want to greet it alone?"

Snape huffed, a strand of hair falling into his face.

"Black told me to come here tonight, if I wanted to know the truth."

"Do you mean Regulus Black?" She asked, brows furrowing in confusion.

Snape laughed sharply. His eyes glinted maliciously.

"That would fit your lovely narrative wouldn't it.. I mean Sirius Black."

Violet blinked.

"But... But why would Sirius tell you to come here?"

"Do you know what tonight is, Violet?" Snape sneered.

She shook her head slightly, earning herself another mocking laugh. Snape leaned in closely, his face inches away from her own.

"It's a full moon." He said quietly.

Violet frowned, a million thoughts flying round her brain. Why would Sirius care about a full moon- and why would he bring Snape under the Willow because of it? Then she remembered what she had seen from the tower. Sirius, assuming he was at the end of the tunnel, wasn't alone down here. But why would they meet down here, and where was Remus? Violet racked her brain for the last time she had seen Remus, he had looked tired, exhausted even. But he always looked tired at least once a month though. She had always assumed he was ill... but he refused to tell her. Then it clicked.

She looked back at Snape, who was watching her curiously with beady eyes. She opened her mouth. It was dry. She swallowed heavily.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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