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"She wasn't looking for a knight she was looking for a sword."
- Atticus -

"- Atticus -

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Once the train arrived at Hogsmede Station, Violet felt excitement bubble in her chest. As much as she loved her home, she always missed Hogwarts. Even thinking about leaving the place left her with a dull ache. 

After placing her owl with the other assorted pets and luggage, she rejoined Anne and Lily amid the throngs of chattering students. Together they followed the queue towards the carriages, twigs and leaves crunching underfoot. Tall trees branched over their heads, the silvery moon glimmering through, giving the path a mysterious ambiance. Finally they were at the front of the queue. A carriage waited, a pair of adult thestrals at its head.

Ever since her second year, Violet had been able to see the thestrals. At first they had scared her, with their black glittering eyes and pearly white bones. She had not shared her discovery with anyone, not even Anne or Lily.  As the trio loaded onto a carriage, she found that she had to tear her eyes from the skeletal horse. She was no longer afraid of the creature. But it caused memories to push themselves into her mind, out of their carefully contained boxes she had stored them away in. 

The creature raised its large claw, snarling violently at the girl. She opened her mouth to let out a scream- but a force collided with her side, knocking her to the side. She look back as the werewolf hit the boy. He crumpled like a ragdoll, so still and silent-

"Violet?" Anne called from the carriage. "Are you going to stand on the ladder the whole journey?"

She forced herself to keep climbing, blinking furiously, as she joined her friends inside the carriage.

"I'm so excited- I always feel like a first year!" Anne smiled excitedly, eyes shinning. 

Violet sat beside her, mirroring her friends smile halfheartedly. 

"Hey, Are you ok?" Lily asked gently, tugging a red strand as she searched Violets face.

"Yeah, Yeah! Im just overwhelmed is all."

"It is rather emotional isn't it-"

Suddenly the door to the carriage is thrown open, and James Potters beaming face sticks into the carriage. His glasses are slightly crooked on his nose, his hair it's usual mess.

"Hi Lily," he beams, making Lily roll her eyes "Hi Violet, HiAnne."

"Hi James." Violet smiles politely, as Anne grunts and raises a hand.

"Is that Violet Jones I hear?" Another voice calls, before Sirius Black sticks his head through aswell. "Mind if we ride with you guys?"

"Wait, no-" Lily begins, but she too late.

James and Sirius scramble onto the carriage, followed by Remus (who smiles warmly, and murmurs hellos) and Peter in the rear. Sirius takes the seat beside Violet, causing her to shift away slightly. He throws an arm around the back of her seat, as Remus sits gingerly on her other side. She shifts her body to face Remus (glad for a distraction).

"So, Jones." Sirius murmurs, his voice making her jump slightly.

"What, Black?" 

"Did you miss me?"

Violet chokes on her own retort, causing Sirius to laugh softly.

"Are you okay, Violet?" Remus ask, patting her awkwardly on the back.

"Yeah!" The Ravenclaw squeaked, jumping up.

Just as she did, the carriage set off- causing her to stumble and reach out for support.
A pair of strong hands land on her waist, steadying her.

"Careful there, Violet."

Violet felt her cheeks heat up, hating her self for loving the way her name fell from his lips. Then she realized she had ahold of Sirius's head.

"Thanks, um, I'm just gonna-" she mumbled, stepping away.

Sirius searched her face for a moment with his hands hanging in the air. Then he dropped them and leaned back, starting to talk to Remus. Violet practically ran across the carriage to Anne, who was sat beside Peter Pettigrew in an awkward silence. Anne raised an eyebrow at her flustered friend. She shook her head quickly, signalling she didn't want to speak with the others there. Instead the girls carried on a lighthearted conversation with Peter, about what they hoped would be served at the Dinner that evening.

"I hope there is chocolate pudding." Anne sighed dreamily "I love chocolate pudding."


Professor Albus Dumbledore raised his arms to greet his students. His wise eyes took every face in, his beard longer and whiter, his smile just as welcoming as the years before. The melting candles basked his old face in a warm glow.

"Welcome, Welcome students, both new and old." He spoke, captivating the great hall, into mesmerised silence.
"Hogwarts is a place for learning and developing the talent within you all, but it is also a place of meeting friends and your family."

Anne prodded Violet gently with her foot, grinning at her friend across the table. Violet stuck her tongue out, as her eyes shifted past her friend.

On the Gryffindor table, a pair of grey eyes are watching Violet.

Sirius Black winks at the girl, causing her to blush furiously and turn back to the headteacher.

"Greater men would take this moment to talk about more momentous matters ahead of us, but alas- the only words I have are: nitwit, lemon-drop and balderdash. Let the feast begin!"


Thanks for reading!

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