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"Bitter are the wars

between brothers"

between brothers"

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"This is what we've been practicing for," Collin Farey spoke to the rest of Ravenclaw's Quidditch team, a determined look in his eye "If everything works to plan we should obliterate Gryffindor."

The team cheered loudly at this. Ravenclaw hadn't won the House Quidditch competition in years, but under Collin's skillful leadership(and a moderately talented team) this could be the year that saw Ravenclaw victorious. It wouldn't be easy of course- Gryffindor were captained by James Potter and he was  equally as determined to steer his team to victory. 

Violet shifted her broom to lean against her shoulder. She was one of Ravenclaw's chasers, which was James position also. When her team had left the Great Hall this morning Violet had gone over too tell James good luck- He had struggled with himself to repeat her gesture. 

"Obviously we want to score as many points as possible with the Quaffle, but Aaron you need to catch the snitch as soon as possible." Collin continued, gesturing to Aaron Thomas (the Ravenclaw seeker) "I wont deny it will be difficult, what with Potter leading the team. Know any of their secret formations, Violet? You hang out with Potter, right?" 

"Sometimes, but hes very secretive about his team." Violet said with a shrug "For obvious reasons: enemy team, remember."

"Maybe you could try to get something out of Sirius Black next time, Potter is sure to have told him something." Aaron Thomas suggested, smirking slightly. 

Violet pursed her lips, not liking where Aaron was going with this.

"And how exactly am I supposed to get him to tell me, Thomas?"

"Oh i don't know," The seeker grinned "I'm sure you could persuade him some how."

"Watch your tongue, Thomas" Amelia Long interrupted, from beside Violet.

"Alright!" Collin barked, stepping forward, raising his hands to placate the hostile team. "Save this for the Gryffindors." 

There was much murmuring, but both Aaron and Amelia backed down. Violet felt her cheeks burn red as she gripped her broom tightly. As the team made their way out to the pitch, she pushed down her embarrassment. She wasn't entirely sure what Aaron meant but she got the gist. Rumors really do spread quick in the castle walls.

Cold air bit at her exposed skin, the roar of the crowd deafening her for a moment. Dozens of students and teachers were crowded in the stands around the pitch. The crowd was split red and blue- Slytherin chose to support Ravenclaw, and therefore for fairness Hufflepuff chose Gryffindor. It was the first match of the tournament, so naturally there was a huge turnout. As Violet scanned the crowd she realized she was not quite accurate in assuming everyone was here. Maybe she just couldn't seem him, but Sirius Black was not in the crowd. She saw Remus and Peter cheering for Gryffindor, aswell as Lily who was quite easily distinguishable by her hair. Maybe he was late...

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