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"I have kissed the light in you,
and the dark in you,
and they both taste the same."
- Alaska Gold -

"- Alaska Gold -

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Violet felt herself sink into the plush blue armchair. She knew she had multiple essays to complete, but she couldn't bring her mind to it. Sitting in the quiet Ravenclaw common room, nothing but the scratching of quills against parchment and the gentle lullaby of a harp, she felt calm for the first time in hours. What with the increased work load, teenage drama and the rising of dark magic, the brunette felt more tired than ever.

Her limbs felt heavy, like gravity was pulling her harder down. Maybe just a quick nap...


Violet inwardly groaned at the energetic shout, shattering the peace of the circular room. Surrounding students shot glares at the blonde galloping across the room. Not that Anne cared, as she practically flew to sit beside her best friend.

"Violet! You'll never believe what just happened!" Anne babbled, her grin borderline insane, her eyes as wide as saucers.

Unable to stop herself, a giggle escaped Violet. She brought a hand up to stifle her laugh as a group of neighbouring forth years gave her some very angry looks.

"Should we take this upstairs-"

Anne nodded furiously, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the ivory stairs. Violet mouthed apologies to the other Ravenclaws and tried to keep up. The last thing she wanted to do was make more noise by falling over. Taking the stairs two at a time, the pair finally barrelled into the fifth year girls dormitory. Luckily the other 6th year Roommates (Poppy, Claire and Sara) were absent.

"Sit." Anne ordered, pointing at Violet's bed. "And listen."

She obliged while rolling her eyes. Leaning back onto her elbows, she looked up expectantly. The blonde leaned against her bed post, building the tension, tugging on her plait.

"Anne, I swear to Merlin if you don't-"

"So impatient!" Anne tutted, grinning mischievously. "Ok, now gather round girls and boys, for I- the great and powerful Anne- will begin her tale of daring wizards, raging beasts-"

Violet dropped onto her back, sighing dramatically.

"And impatient witches!" Anne tutted, wagging her finger.

"so I was sat in the Dining hall- where by the way you missed a great chocolate pudding- when none other but Sirius Black comes bursting through the doors, looking very mad."

Evanescent {SIRIUS BLACK}Where stories live. Discover now