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"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it."


The following morning Violet found herself smiling into her pumpkin juice. Not only had Alex shown her the secret room of lost things, but quidditch practice in the thundering rain had been cancelled. Collin Farey, the Ravenclaw captain, had met her in the common room this morning and told her the news. He hadn't looked too happy about it but Amelia Long had looked particularly threatening when he suggested the rain was a 'drizzle'. 

So Violet had been blessed with a relaxing Sunday morning, spent with her nose buried in a book, before she made her way down for a solitary breakfast. She hadn't wanted to wake her snoring roommates, and she knew it wouldn't be long before Anne joined her with an insatiable appetite. 

Biting into a slice of toast, slathered in mulberry jam, she observed the Great Hall. 

Unsurprisingly it was fairly empty, with a few scatterings of people here and there. They were mainly seventh years, bags under their eyes from their heavy workloads in preparation for the N.E.W.T.S, and the occasional eager-eyed first years. Only one Slytherin was at their table and once again Violets hazel eyes met a familiar pair of grey ones. She cautiously smiled at Regulus Black. His face remained impassive for a moment before a tiny smile cracked his lips. 

How often did he smile? Violet found herself thinking, her stomach clenching for the younger Black brother. 

Gulping down her juice, she gathered up several pieces of toast before standing from her seat. Quickly she walked her way through no man's land, heads flicking round to watch, and sat down in dangerous territory, dropping her toast unceremoniously. Regulus Black raised an eyebrow at the girl sat before him, his face impassive. 

"Why?" He asked bluntly.

Grinning, Violet polished off another slice of toast, leaving Regulus to dangle momentarily. Finally, she coughed, cracked her knuckles and fixed a perfect poker face.

"What do you call two Quidditch players who share a dorm?"

"W-what?" Regulus stuttered, looking completely confused

"What do you call two quidditch players who share a dorm?"

"Why are you asking me-"


Regulus blinked at her, his mouth opening and closing silently. Violet shrugged, pouring herself some cold water from the silver flask. 

"Okay, so you don't like jokes."

"That was a joke?" He drawled, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

"Touché." Violet chuckled into her goblet, taking a sip.

The unlikely pair continued to eat their respective breakfasts in silence. Violet found the silence actually quite comfortable, expecting it to feel heavy or charged. He gestured for the butter dish and she passed it. As he buttered his toast, He spoke quietly and calmly. 

"Look, I get it. You're a nice person, you've got a thing going on with Sirius." He shook his hand at her attempt to interrupt, and Violet immediately shut up. "But you're playing a dangerous game."

Violet paused and collected her words carefully. She tilted her head innocently.

"I'm just eating breakfast."

Evanescent {SIRIUS BLACK}Where stories live. Discover now