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The following morning, Violet was unable to find any of the boys. She had woken early and dragged Anne down to the Great hall, much to her friends protests, to beat the crowds. After settling at the Ravenclaw table she absentmindedly munched on toast, her eyes fixed on the huge oaken doors, whispering to Anne about what she had seen last night. Anne had shrugged it off as normal behavior for the Gryffindor's and spent the rest of breakfast with her head on her arms, asleep. 

On occasion someone resembling either of the four would walk in, and Violet's heart skipped a beat before she realized her mistake. In fact she was half way out her seat when Regulus Black strolled in, the smaller replica of his older brother (Though in Violets opinion, rather less handsome). She had back down with a heavy sigh after receiving her usual greeting nod from the younger Black.

"Why did Regulus Black just nod at you?" Lily Evans asked, appearing from nowhere and startling Violet into knocking over the milk jug.

Lily performed a hasty spell, returning the milk soaring back to the jug, before raising a perfect eyebrow at Violet. Beside her Anne grumbled in her sleep. Stirring her coffee carefully, Violet shrugged. 

"Intresting.." said Lily, her eyes now fixed on Regulus "He's an odd one, for sure. You almost feel sorry for him."

"Yeah," Violet replied absentminded, her eyes returned to the door.

"Until you remember he's a wannabe Deatheater. What are you looking at?" 

Quickly Violet recounted what she had seen and was disappointed when Lily looked equally as unimpressed as Anne. 

"Well, this is Potter and Black were talking about- They are always up to no good. I wouldn't be surprised if they were setting up some elaborate prank!" She said, shrugging off Violets suspicions. "Anyway we've got Transfiguration first period so we really should get going." 

Lily got up and shook Anne gently awake. Bleary eyed and confused, Anne raised her head.


"Transfiguration is whats going on, Anne." Lily grinned. 

Anne rubbed her eyes with her knuckles furiously, before shooting Violet a dark look.

"Never, ever, wake me up that early again."


It was not until second period that Violet saw any glimpse of the marauders. Fortunately for her tired brain, she had a blissful free period after transfiguration. Sadly it was not one that she shared with either Lily or Anne, so she settled her self in a corner of a courtyard; book (Quintessence: A Quest) in hand and scarf pulled over her lower face against the chill. She was in the process of daydreaming about the Ravenclaws Quidditch team victory against Gryffindor the other week, when she caught a glimpse of Peter Pettigrew jogging across the courtyard.

"Peter!" She called, but either Pettigrew did not hear Violet or he chose to ignore her as he continued on and disappeared into the castle. 

Shoving her book into her bag, she darted after him, ignoring the stares of her schoolmates as she dashed by. Her feet echoed in the empty corridors, following glimpses and snatches of Peter ahead of her- for a small boy he could run rather fast. Turning a corner she came out on an empty corridor with no trace of Peter. Pausing for breath, she leaned on the wall beside a heavy looking dark tapestry. The entire experience struck her as odd, why had Peter ignored her and why was in such a hurry. Deep in her thoughts, she missed the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Well, well. Look what we have here... A mudblood all alone." 

Violets head darted up at the words. Avery and Mulicber smirked at her, wands drawn. She had a very strong urge to roll her eyes. 

"Where's your boyfriend, Violet?" Avery sneered "Doesn't he know not to leave mudbloods alone?"

"Get lost, Avery." 

"Fiesty." Muliciber grinned, as the slytherins approached.

Violet moved off the wall, her hand tightly holding her wand concealed in her pocket. 

"I mean it- Get lost."

"You know, I don't think we will 'get lost'." said Muliciber, as Avery laughed "Not when we could have so much fun."

Really rolling her eyes now, Violet went to walk past them but found her way blocked by a smirking Avery, Mulicber moving behind her. 

"We weren't finished." 

"Yeah well I was- Stupefy!

Violets spell shot out at Avery, stunning him instantly. As Avery's body hit the ground she spun round quickly casting Protego against the shot of red light from Mulicber. Spells fired between them, Violet defending her self against Mulicbers aggressive onslaught, his face contorted in fury. Suddenly a whip like flash of white sparks slashed from Mulciber, and Violet felt a sharp pain against her cheek and the emergence of warm blood. Mulciber grinned down at her.



A flash of light flew past Violet, hitting Mulciber square in the chest. He fell, stunned, to the floor beside Avery. Spinning quickly she saw Alex Abbot running towards her, before he pulled her into a hug.

"Are you okay? Thoose evil-" Alex growled, calling the Slytherins an insult which would have caused Dumbledore to blush. 

"I'm fine, really." Violet assured him, extracting herself from his arms, and offering a shaky smile.

"Your cheek!" He gasped, eyes filled with panic.

Violet raised her hand, touching her cheek gingerly. Silently she stared at the warm sticky blood on her fingertips.


"That looks deep, we better get to the Hospital wing just in case."

Allowing herself to be guiding towards the hospital wing, Violet couldn't help feeling the beginnings of shame burning. She couldn't even protect herself against Mulciber! How on earth was she going to survive in the Order of the Phoenix? Lost in her hateful thoughts she realized they had arrived at the Hospital wing. Alex pushed the door open before her and held it for her to enter. Blinking in the stark white of the room, Violet followed Alex towards Madam Pomfrey, feeling the blood from her cheek drip down her face. 



Violet turned to face James Potter, who had stood up from his chair beside a hospital bed on which Sirius Black lay unconscious.


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