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"Soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. 

He's the type of man you go to war beside not against."


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Violet sped forwards, her cut cheek forgotten, pushing past James's attempt to grab her. Standing beside the hospital bed, she reached out for the pale hand resting on the sheet. Her hand faulted momentarily and fell back down. Sirius's face was unscathed, though pale, but a large raw gash stretched across his bare chest. Madame Pomphrey was diligently applying ointment across the wound, which began to knit itself together before their very eyes, and beside her a boy sat with his head in his hands. 

"I don't understand," Violet murmured, turning back to face James "What happened- Who did this?" 

James visibly winced, dragging an exhausted hand through his messy hair. 

"Well, last night, We were- well we were in the forest-" here James was interrupted by a disapproving snort from Madame Pomphrey "and well, an animal attacked him."

"He should have been brought straight to me!" Madame Pomphrey said sharply, before moving towards Violet to help her injury.

Violet waved her off, her eyes trained on the place where the vicious wound had just been on Sirius. She'd seen that sort of wound type before, and she hardly believed James coverstory. But what was he hiding?

"An animal?" She asked, turning to watch James carefully. "What type of animal?"

" was quite dark..." James said carefully, eyes darting around the room "but...if I had to guess-"

"A hippogriff." 

Spinning round, Violet turned to face the hospital bed. Remus had lifted his head now, dark circles and a faint memories of scars visible on his exhausted face. He seemed to be visibly aging before her eyes. Momentarily distracted, Violet forgot her suspicions. 

" look awful- I'm sorry, but you do. Why on earth were you in the forest?"

But Remus only shook his head, returning his gaze to Sirius. James answered for him.

"It's was just a laugh-"

"You do know it's called the Forbidden Forest for a reason, no?" She shot back sarcastically. 

Before James could retort, a voice croaked out behind her:

"You do know we don't listen to the rules?"

"Sirius!" She gasped, moving closer with James behind her. 

Sirius attempted his familiar smirk, before bursting into a violent coughing fit. Quickly Violet helped Sirius sit up, rearranging the pillows behind his head. Her hand grazed the top of his shoulder blade. His grey eyes watched her carefully, before she looked up and he turned away. Catching Remus's gaze he held out a hand towards him. Remus frowned. 

Evanescent {SIRIUS BLACK}Where stories live. Discover now