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"He stretched his arms to the crystalline, radiant sky.
I know myself, he cried, but that is all."


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It was not often that Violet Jones was left speechless.

But as she stood in the middle of the potions classroom, students milling around, Violets mind was blank. She was vaguely aware of her mouth opening and closing like a fish, as she desperately tried to clear her mind. Her senses were overloaded, blurring her thoughts with peppermint and steel coloured eyes. Sirius chuckled lowly, raising an eyebrow.

"Still with me, V?" He grinned, placing a hand gently on her shoulder.

As if shocked, Violet moved his hand firmly off. A small voice in her unconscious screamed at her to get it back, but she blocked it out with a frown.

"What's it to you, Black?" She said coldly.

"More than you think." Sirius muttered, as if to himself.

Conscious of several sets of eyes on them, Violet stepped past him. Swiftly, he moved in front of her. Something flickered behind his eyes as the distance between them got smaller. If she reached out she could touch him- she could close the remaining inches between them.  The memory of the moment outside the Ravenclaw common room emerged in Violets head. Her frown deepened.

"Come to Hogsmeade with me?"

For the second time that day, the impossible happened. Violet was speechless. And angry- who did he think he was! He knew she already had a date, she'd told him herself.

"Ditch Abbot," he breathed, voice low so only the two of them could hear, his face dangerously close to her own. "He doesn't deserve you."

Violet scoffed, shaken from her dreamy haze as anger flared in her again. She pushed him back.
"And you do?"

Aware that they were drawing attention, Violet stalked past Sirius sharply. Holding her head high, she ignored the stares, ignored the whispers and slid onto the seat beside Lily. The Gryffindor searched her best friends face, but dropped it when she saw the stormy look in Violets eyes.
Violet buried her head in her bag, pretending to be looking for her textbook but really hiding her flushed cheeks. She snuck a furtive glance back at Sirius. His gaze was locked on her. They both remained staring at the other, feeling a compelling magnetic attraction.

Then James Potter pulled Sirius away, and Lily Evans kicked her best friend gently.

"You were staring, V."

Evanescent {SIRIUS BLACK}Where stories live. Discover now