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"all stories, if continued far enough, end in death, and he is no true-story teller who would keep that from you."
- Hemingway -

Head rested in her hand, Violet slouched against the stone arch of her dormitory window. The sun was slowly setting, leaving the sky a vibrant bloody red. It was unsettling to the young witch and Violet shifted her gaze uneasily to the Hogwarts grounds. From the window she had the perfect view of the Whomping Willow, swaying slightly in a nonexistent breeze. Though the grounds were so familiar to her now, after all her years learning here, she had the strange feeling that something had changed. She turned away from the view. With a gentle creak, the dormitory door opened and Anne strolled into the room. Her hair was intricately wrapped in a fluffy white towel and her cheeks were pink from the warm water of her bath.

"I bloody love the Prefect bathrooms," she sighed happily, as a waft of strawberry scented shampoo hit Violet's senses "Pure bliss. I've never seen so many types of bubbles!"

The blonde flopped on the bed next to her friend and eyed her suspiciously.

"Have you been sat there the whole time?"

Violet sighed, turning to face her friend. Anne noticed the weird look in her eyes and scrunched her brows in concern.

"Sirius problems?"

Giving a bark of laughter, Violet ran a hand through her hair tiresomely.

"Sometimes I think he likes me, sometimes I think I'm just a... a game to him! I can't keep up, and frankly I'm confused."

"Let me be honest," Anne said, smiling warmly "Sirius is an odd case. He's a bit of a mess."

The two shared a small laugh. Anne placed a hand gently on Violets knee.

"But I'm starting to see how much he genuinely cares for you. It's intense. So intense I think that's the problem. Everyone has heard the rumours about Sirius's family- the guy is probably not used to feeling so much love. Apart from with Potter of course, but that's different."

Violet tucked her hair behind her ears and gazed back down at the Willow tree. A light dusk had fallen quickly while she wasn't watching. Shadows began to creep across the grass. She stood up abruptly.

"I need to talk to him."

Anne blinked, before a smile grew on her face.

"Don't get me wrong, love the plan, but have you seen the time? It's nearly eleven!" Anne said, getting up to join her friend at the window. "At least you know he will be in their common room."

The pair laughed, but then Violet saw something moving across the front lawn that stilled the sound in her throat.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that...." she whispered, and tapped the glass window "Is that Sirius?"

For a minute the two watched the vague resemblance of Sirius, James and Peter run down towards the Whomping Willow and suddenly vanish from sight. Anne started to laugh hysterically.

"Ok, we're definitely going for that chat now." Anne gasped, in between laughs.

Violet continued to stare at the spot the three boys had vanished from.

Evanescent {SIRIUS BLACK}Where stories live. Discover now