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"Everyone has a chapter they don't read aloud."


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Anne stretched her arms in front of her,like a cat in sunshine, releasing a loud yawn. She was rewarded with a dig in her ribs from Violet. Giving her best friend a wink, Anne simply rested her chin on her hand. Violet rolled her eyes and continued to attack her Snargaluff pod with a trowel.

"Do you want me to try?" Lily Evans asked, eyeing Violet cautiously.

"Why. Is. It. So. Stubborn." She hissed, punctuating her words with sharp hits. 

The grapefruit size pod was unrelenting, and Violet started to think it was mocking her with its invariable shape. It was putting her in a foul mood, not to mention it was freezing in the herbology greenhouse. A low chuckle omitted behind her, making her tense.

"Reminds me of someone."

Violet rolled her eyes harder, now hitting with such force that the wooden table shook slightly. Lily and Anne shared a look.

"Don't you have something better to do, Black, than get on my last nerve." Violet hissed, placing her trowel down to turn and glare at Sirius Black. A smirk grew on his lips, grey eyes sparkling mischievously. 

"Yes but sadly she is busy murdering a snargaluff pod."

Violet blushed uncontrollably, causing her friends to cough to hide their laughs. She scowled.

"Get lost, Black."

Sirius raised his hands in a surrendering manor, but the annoying smirk was still on his lips. Right now, Violet wished Sirius would go back to avoiding her which he had done since the Hogsmeade incident with Alex two weeks ago. Violet had been more than happy to copy his actions. Though she wouldn't admit that it hurt a bit.

"I already am, love, in your eyes-"

The Ravenclaw groaned loudly, returning to her task. She tried her hardest to ignore Sirius presence moving to lean against her desk. He was watching her, sending all the hairs on her body on edge. 

"You're cute when you're angry, Jones." Sirius mused.

Although Violet thought he was joking, she didn't hear the truth in his words. The older Black brother loved how her cheeks were faintly pink, her untameable dark hair framing her face, the determination in her hazel eyes. To him she, despite what she saw as her imperfections, was perfect. It sent his stomach twisting into furious knots and made him heart thump erratically. He couldn't tell her any of this. He knew she would only reject him.

"Yeah well, I'm about to get really cute then." She muttered, slamming her trowel on the pods shell.

"Is he bothering you, Violet?"

Violet jumped at Alex Abbotts voice, appearing beside her. He had his shirt sleeves rolled up and his yellow and black tie was loose around his neck, hair slightly disheveled (clearly everyone else was having difficulty with the snargaluff pods). Sirius and Alex glared at each other, sizing each other up. Violet rolled her eyes at this- they clearly hadn't moved on from their argument in Hogsmeade.

"It's fine Alex," she sighed, ignoring Sirius's hopeful glance "Do you not have work to do Black?"

Sirius pouted, giving his best puppy dog eyes. Violet crossed her arms and looked pointedly at him.

"Fine," he huffed "see you later."

With a final wink, he was returning back to his table and James Potter was patting him sympathetically on his back.

"What's his deal?" Alex huffed, glaring at the retreating Boy. 

Violet raised an eyebrow and hit Alex's forearm gently.

"He's not that bad." She hummed, twirling her trowel.

The hufflepuff boy frowned.

"He tried to attack me-"

"Well you were being an idiot and he hardly attacked you, you're exaggerating." Violet sighed, returning to hitting the pod.

"Still," Alex huffed "Doesn't mean I have to like him."

Violet gave her pod a final hit, and the shell split open and threw brightly coloured green tubules across the table. She fist pumped the air with a cheer. Anne and Lily gave a small cheer, as they collected the products.

"Nice one, Violet-"

Suddenly a wave of silence washed over the room, as the students turned towards the door. Proffessor Flitwick had appeared, looking a mix of anticipation and pride. He surveyed the class quickly, landing on Violet.

"Professor Sprout, may I borrow Miss Jones for a moment? Dumbledore would like to talk to her."

Professor Sprout nodded, adjusting her battered brown hat that was perched precariously on her curly grey hair. Violets mouth went dry, butterflies fluttering away in her stomach. Alex gave her a confused glance, but she didn't see it. She balled her fists as she made her way to the door, to hide their tremour. The class followed her steps with their eyes, making her feel even more as if she was walking to the gallows. James give her a quick thumbs up, Remus looked almost as nervous as she felt. As she passed Sirius he reached out and gave her hand a soft squeeze. She looked at him desperately for something normal, something to reassure her.

She opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't think of any words. She licked her dry lips and nodded. Then she followed Flitwick out of the greenhouse.


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