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"The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages."


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Violet turned the page of her textbook, absentmindedly stirring her steaming porridge. Light streamed through the arched windows of the Great Hall and threw a gentle glow onto the Ravenclaw table. There was a cold edge to the air, causing her to pull the sleeves of her jumper over her hands.

The hall was mainly empty, apart from a few early morning stragglers dotted at various tables. There was a group of second year Hufflepuffs, who were obnoxiously happy in the early hour, the odd Gryffindor and a few Ravenclaws. Currently only one Slytherin was there, his dark hair hanging in front of his eyes as he stared into a mug. Violet found her self staring out of curiosity. Regulus Black looked like the world was on his shoulders and then some. As if feeling her gaze, his head snapped up  and his grey eyes found hers. She was shocked at the similarities he shared with his brother. Regulus nodded at her and she found herself giving him a small smile.

"I wouldn't let Sirius catch you being friendly with Regulus." Anne teased in a sing-song voice, as she swung her long legs over the bench to sit opposite her.

Violet rolled her eyes, eating a spoonful of porridge. She grimaced slightly, having topped it with too much sugar. Swallowing grudgingly, she reached across the table for the daily prophet.

"Why would I care what Black thinks anyway?" She mumbled.

Anne scoffed and patted her best friends head mockingly. "So naive, so oblivious."

Ducking away, Violet glared at the blonde and buried her head in the paper. Her eyes scanned the articles and a heavy weight loomed on her heart. Death, destruction, darkness. Every article was seeping with it. Voldemort was growing stronger, becoming more open on his attacks. She bit her lip, thinking about her parents. They were in great danger, being muggles, and she was too far away to protect them. Of course she was in even graver danger, being a mudblood, she thought bitterly. Voldemort and his deranged followers hated her kind, with an unquenchable bloodlust.

She looked up at Anne. She was also a muggle born, as was Lily. Violet didn't know how she could cope without them- they were her closest friends. Her stomach twisted painfully and she thought she would throw up. Anne caught her looking and raised an eyebrow.

"Anything interesting in there?"

"The usual." Violet sighed, putting the paper down stiffly.

A sudden influx of voices came from the entrance hall, and Violet swore the temperature dropped drastically as they entered. It was unsurprising that they ate so early; they detested over half the school population. The Slytherin 'gang' sauntered into the hall, deep in conversation- Snape, Rosier, Wilkes, Mulciber and a couple of younger students. Violet noticed Avery was absent with a smile, either still in the hospital wing or being punished. The Slytherins made their way towards Regulus and sat gathered around him. For a moment the younger Black brother looked uncomfortable, but it disappeared so quickly Violet thought she imagined it.

Evanescent {SIRIUS BLACK}Where stories live. Discover now