Chapter 1

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- Lauren, that's enough! - Normani said with concern on her voice. Lauren didn't even look at her and acted like if she wasn't there. The woman with green eyes let go of the empty glass she had on her hand and put it on the makeup desk she had in the dressing room. Normani watched her getting up to find a bottle of vodka under a chair. - Didn't you hear me? - Some anger for being ignored appeared on the brunette's voice. That didn't move the girl in front of her. Lauren continued what she was doing like if she was alone. She filled the glass with the transparent liquid, let go of the bottle and held the small portion of beverage. Before the desired drink had reached her mouth Normani held her arm, physically stopping her from continuing. 

- What the fuck are you doing? - Jauregui snapped.

- You've had enough! - Normani said as she tried to remove the glass from her friend's hand. 

- Who do you think you are to tell me what to do? - Her rispy voice showed the anger she held in her chest. 

- I'm just trying to help! - The battle for the glass wasn't going anywhere and when the girl from Miami realized she wouldn't have it back, she went for the bottle. Normani got even madder when she saw what her band mate was doing. - Damn, Lauren! - She shout and walked in her direction with the intention of getting the bottle away.

The two girls were testing each other's strength when Dinah got in. 

- What the... - She said softly when she saw what was going on.

- Let it go, Lauren! - She heard Normani say. 

- This shit is mine! You let it go! 

The tall girl couldn't stand just watch and so she decided to separate them. Being stronger, she easily pushed them away from each other and got the bottle. 

- Thank you, Dinah! - Normani thanked her as soon as she received the bottle from her band mate.

- No problem. - She said, having one of her arms still straighten on Lauren's chest. - What the fuck are you doing, Lauren? 

- Get the hell out of here! Both of you! - She shout taking two steps back to get further from the girls. - This is not of your business!

- Of course it is of our business! - Dinah started. - Your behavior affects everybody here, so you don't get to kick us out. 

Lauren didn't answer, but walked to the makeup desk, opened her bag, took a cigarette, a lighter and walked to the door.

- Where do you think you're going? - Dinah asked but her words didn't seem to be heard, the angry girl kept moving but she stopped when she found Normani at the door. 

- You're not going anywhere now. - The brunette stated.

- Whatever... - Like a rebel teenager, she lighted up the cigarette, not caring if they were forbidden of smoking inside their small dressing rooms. 

- You must be kidding me! You know how crappy your voice gets right after smoking! - Dinah felt furious and showed that by the rude way she got the drug out of her friend's hand and destroyed it under her boots. She needed to speak up. - Stop this right now! We are about to go up on stage and all you care about is getting high! We need you in a few minutes and you gotta be able to hold yourself standing and follow all the routines. Stop acting so recklessly! Today is our coming back and I won't allow you to fuck this up! Get your shit together! The people out there deserve better! - Dinah took a deep breath after saying so many things with such an emotional weight.

A mixture of feelings increased inside of Lauren and she felt a terrible pressure on her chest. She knew she shouldn't drink more or smoke, but she wanted to ease the pain. She walked into the couch, sat on it and it was easy to see that she wasn't ok. She ran her shaky hands through her hair several times and her eyes had no focus. After a few minutes, the girls approached her gently and realized her nervous breathing. 

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