Chapter 12

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Camila was under pressure. Lauren found herself extremely nervous. After months without seeing nor contacting each other, the idea that they'd be at the same place got both of them emotionally instable.

- Have you been sleeping in the past couple of nights, Lauren? - Dinah asked her bandmate with serious concern in her voice and a bottle of water on her hand as she walked into the hotel room where Lauren slept by herself, just like she used to do for the past months.

- Yeah. - She answered simply and took a sip of water from the bottle she had on her hand. The taller girl gave the green eyed girl, who walked into the bed, a look.  - Maybe... - She started. - I haven't had the best time sleeping.- She sat on the bed she had attempted sleeping on but didn't have the success she hoped to achieve on that.

- Well, that I can tell just by looking at your face! - Lauren made a defeated facial expression. - Thank God makeup exists, otherwise you'd scare Camila when you see her...

- We're days away from it... - Jauregui pointed out. - One week if I'm being more specific.

- Alright, Ms. Precision... - Dinah mocked and let out a little laugh as she sat beside her friend.

- Dinah, I'm totally clueless here. - The green eyed girl expressed her anxiety. - How exactly is this gonna happen? There will be people walking around all the time, how will I be so sneaky? - She looked nervous.

- Calm down, girl! - Dinah had a playful tone in her voice. - I'm taking care of things. You just relax and follow my lead. Everything will be just fine.

- But...

- Relax, Lauren. - She put her hand on Jauregui's shoulder. - You'll have the answers as soon as I have them.

- Ok. - The girl from Miami received a hug from her friend, which lasted only few seconds.

- We gotta go. - The taller girl recalled as she got up from the bed. -  Rehearsal will start in few hours. I just came to check on you. - She had a sweet tone on her voice. - Get your ass ready. - Those words sounded playful and there was a little laugh coming from both of them as Dinah reached the door. - Now go prepare your speech! - It was clear she had fun with saying that, because her laugh at the end of the sentence indicated that.

- Dinah! - Lauren attempted to advert, but her bandmate disappeared in the hallway among loud laughter. The green eyed girl couldn't stop a little nervous smile to show up in her features as well. A part of her was so nervous that could barely breathe, but another had some excitement for knowing that if everything worked out well she'd be face to face to her favorite girl in the world.

Camila didn't have any evil plan to break the rules that were stablished by the contract they all had signed, her mind was totally focused in putting on a good performance. Or a perfect one.

- This is not right. - She sounded upset during the rehearsal. - You're turning around way too slowly. When I reach you, you're still completing the movement that should be over by then. - The male dancer listened to her attentively. - Let's do it again, 1,2,3... - Camila repeated the dance move they had been rehearsaling for the past minutes and couldn't quiet get that right. She kept on blaming on the dancer, but the truth was that they weren't in sync. For many times they weren't able to go through the step and it wasn't any different when they tried again.

- Sorry. - The guy said when he realized they hadn't done it right one more time.

- You know what? - The brown eyed girl had a mixture of disappointment and nervousness in her voice. - Let's just not do it. I don't want any kind of surprise in this performance. Let's do it differently.

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