Chapter 5

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- This would be so much easier if Camila was here... - Dinah let out while they sit on a studio with notebooks on their hands and worked on their music. Their manager had left them with the task of checking the songs that would possibly be on their next album. They had a lot of lyrics to read and demos to listen to so they could define the tracks that would be part of a new era.

- Oh, that's true. - Ally replied with a smile on her face, remembering the ex band mate. - She's a very good composer. I mean, how does she have so many ideas? Where do they come from? - She laughed lightly and Dinah did the same.

- If it wasn't for her we wouldn't have "No Way" the way that it is. I really like that song. - Dinah shared. - Such a talented girl... - She said with admiration.

- Yeah, and she never claimed any rights for that. Remember when... - Ally started to speak with enthusiasm, but someone stopped her from finishing.

- I don't know if you guys have realized... - Lauren's strong voice made everybody stop for a moment. - But we have work to do here. - She sounded extremely rude, which caused Dinah some discomfort.

- Oh come on, Lauren, we were just talking a little, we gotta relax a bit too. Besides, the situation is very likely to make us remember...

- Camila? - She questioned before Dinah could even finish. The anger on her voice was starting to worry the girls. Those green eyes looked extremely dark.

- Well, that wasn't exactly what I was gonna say... - She answered in a defensive way.

- She left! Get over it! - She let out in a heavy way.

- It's not like we could erase the past five years and pretend she was never here. - Dinah started getting mad too and differently from Ally, she had no hesitation at confronting Lauren.

- I wrote some verses to "Dope" along with her and contributed to "No Way" as well, but who's asking for credit for that now? Perhaps I should leave too! - She shouted and got up from the floor, leaving the notebook behind and walking away in a very aggressive way.

- Lauren, chill out! - Dinah said. - We just... - Seeing how mad her band mate got, she tried to be nice to her in an attempt to get her to calm down.

- You grow up! She's not here anymore. Fucking pointless conversation about the past! - Dinah was shook by the amount of anger on the green eyed girl's voice. She saw the water on the brunette's eyes before she left the room.

- Oh my God! - Ally said in a whisper when they were the only ones in the room. - I had no idea she was so hurt and sensitive about it. - She expressed her concern.

- It's Lauren... - Dinah answered. - We never really know, Ally. 

- Small advice... - Normani, who watched everything quiet, finally spoke. - Don't bring Camila up whenever Lauren is around, unless you want to see her getting mad. It's a very easy way to trigger her, so if you guys want to see her blow, do it, if not, act like that girl never existed. 

- But it's ridiculous, Mani. - Dinah answered. - We have nothing to do with what happened between them, she should control herself.

- Tell me when Lauren controled herself... - She rolled her eyes like if she was saying something extremelly obvious.

- Whatever... - DJ let out, clearly upset with the situation. - And what was that about her writting some verses with Camila for those songs? Wasn't Camila who did it all and presented to us?

- Lauren did stay with Camila on the day she was doing it. - Ally mentioned. - We all went out, but she didn't.

- I thought she had stayed because she simply preferred Camila's company. - Dinah commented.

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