Chapter 25

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- I'd never think I'd be here with you tonight. - Camila confessed as she stared at the night sky and had Lauren beside her.
- Honestly... - Lauren started as she turned her head to Camila's direction and allowed herself to have a little smile on her face. - Me either. - A soft giggle came out along with her words.
- What do you mean? - The brown eyed girl asked in a fast speed of speech, a common thing she did. - It was you who simply showed up in front of me and somehow made us end up here.
- I didn't actually plan to do all this. It was something that just hit me and I decided to do something crazy. - She shared her honest thoughts.
- You have always had a taste for breaking the rules. - Camila commented.
- What can I do about it? I can't help it... - Her words came out with more intensity than before and her green orbs got deeper as she stared at the girl in front of her.
- And then you go and make me act recklessly... - Cabello let out along with laughter.
- We're just living a little. - The older girl said with a slightly nervous giggle at the end. - Besides, it's not something that we often do. - She raised her shoulders while speaking and relaxed them when Cabello spoke.
- Yeah, you're right. - Camila's tone suffered a small change. - It's not something that we often do... - Lauren could notice the sadness that suddenly appeared on the girl's tone and she wondered what could be going on inside her mind. In the absence of something useful and relevant to say, the green eyed girl kept silent for a moment, but the silence only lasted until Camila continued speaking. - You actually are more careful now, even though you are here now, you act more carefully. - Her voice became more serious.
- I have to... - Jauregui let out and her words sounded apologetic due to the tone of her voice. The volume of her speech was lowed and she let out the same words one more time, in a whisper that Camila could hear. - I have to...
- Yeah, I guess you do... - It was clear that Camila was frustrated and for a moment Lauren felt guilty. Guilty for all the things she believed she had done wrong and even guiltier for showing up in front of Camila and putting her into a situation that she hadn't requested for but ended up agreeing with. For a moment, Lauren thought that, maybe, Camila was just being nice, she had always been the sweetest in the group anyway.
- I'm sor... - Jauregui started what would have become a speech of apology if only she hadn't been interrupted by the fast speaker Camila.
- You know what? It's Halloween night and there's only one Halloween night every year, which means that at this moment we are one year away from the next Halloween, that means three hundred sixty-five days of distance. I mean, that if the next year is a regular year and by regular I mean one with three hundred sixty-five days. Will next year have three hundred sixty-six days? I really don't know that and I'm starting to think that maybe I should know... - Anxious Camila would easily show up whenever bottled up emotions started knocking. Lauren could still recognize that soft smile, those fast moving eyes and that confused speech that would randomly link ideas that didn't seem to be connected. Seeing Camila fighting against her inner demons would always get Lauren to feel a little fragile. The green eyed girl knew better than all those million fans that loved how energetic Camila was always that her energetic way came from a dark place, one that Lauren wished she could get Camila out from. The older girl allowed herself to have a soft smile on her face as well. If Camila was trying, then so should her.
- Well, I don't know about the amount of days for the next year, but I agree with you when you say it's Halloween night... - She giggled.
- Yeah... And, like, this is a moment to party and just enjoy the opportunity to have a costume on and I actually enjoy Halloween and since I still have a lot of work to do I should just give myself a little time to rest or have some fun, you know what I mean? - Camila's smile would always make Lauren smile too.
- Yeah, I feel you buddy... - She let out with a good humored tone.
- Yeah, buddy! - Camila had a super excited tone as she rose her hand suggesting a high five. Lauren would never leave her hanging, she was her high five savior anyway... Their hands made "clap" as they touched each other in the air, laughter came out from the both of them and there they were again: dorky Camila and fool Lauren. - Let's go party! - As those words came out, the younger girl got up and started walking towards the car Lauren had been driving.
- Let's go! - Jauregui agreed as she followed Camila up.
On their way to a party, Camila walked excitedly through the streets and made fun of whatever she could possibly make fun of.
- Let's post a snap! - She said with excitement.
- I am not so sure that it would be a good idea... - Lauren expressed her opinion with a soft laugh.
- Of course it is. - Camila protested. - As long as you are capable of silently record me. - She had a mocking tone on.
- Of course I am! Just give me your phone... - Jauregui challenged and Camila did as she requested. It didn't take long and there she was: a cat in human shape having a lot of fun with her tail. The green eyed girl couldn't contain herself and for that, there was a soft laugh in the back that didn't belong to Camila.
The party was fun and there was some freedom on the fact that nobody could actually know who they were. They could, at least for a moment, act like any normal young girl at a Halloween party who simply has some fun. They would often dance together and whenever they wanted to tease each other, they'd look for a new partner, which was very easy to find. It was fun to see each other getting jealous and doing something to get the other one back. It was a fun game to play.
Back to the hotel, Lauren snapchated Camila again, the brown eyed girl was so full of enthusiasm that it made Lauren question herself over why she hadn't done that before.
Inside the room that Lauren booked to only spent the night there, for she was too tired and had drank too much to drive all the way back home, Camila would laugh at basically anything and everything. It was true that she was tipsy, but so was Lauren, however not enough to make them forget things or act too recklessly.
- I need to let my mom know that I'm back, I don't want her to get too worried. - Camila informed the girl with her.
- Ok.
- Which means that it's good night for you now.
- Good night for me?
- Yeah, I'm going to my room. This is not the room I've booked, it's yours.
- Oh! - Lauren couldn't contain her surprise. - I thought you'd... - She stopped before finishing her sentence.
- Good night, Lauren. - Camila let out in an extremely provocative way.
- Good night, Camila. - Lauren's words came out slowly as she still tried to convince herself that she'd spend the night alone and she should be glad for the time that they had had together.
As soon as Camila left the room, Lauren laid down on the bed and kept on reminiscing the things that had happened on the past hours, since the moment she left Ty's party to the moment she found herself in. She wondered why Camila hadn't stayed, but she was afraid of asking anything at that moment, she didn't really want to talk. Minutes passed by and Lauren kept on staring at the ceiling, looking for something as she stared at nothing. A knock on the door made her stand up with a questioning expression on her face, who could it be?
- Wait, you're back? - Lauren asked with a confused smile on her face as she stared at the girl who made her way into the hotel room.
- Yeah, that was actually my initial plan. - Camila revealed with a mischievous smile as she closed the door behind her and started walking towards Lauren.
- Why didn't you just tell me? - Jauregui asked with some confusion on her voice as Camila placed her hand on Jauregui's chest and forced the older girl to walk backwards.
- I wanted to scare you a little. - She laughed in a slightly evil way as they moved slowly.
- Why? - Lauren absorbed Camila's provocative tone.
- Because it's Halloween night and you should feel a little scared to spend the rest of the night alone. I mean, you're just a girl and girls are fragile, there are way too many dangerous things that could happen to them. Especially in a night full of dark creatures walking around freely.
- Oh, really? - Jauregui let out in a doubtful and provocative way.
- Yeah. - Camila answered as she got closer and closer.
- And you think I can't protect myself?
- I'm pretty sure you need me... - Cabello said the words slowly as her eyes wandered from Lauren's eyes and mouth.
- I definitely need you... - Lauren's heart beat way too fast as Camila teased her.
- Did I get to scare you?
- Yeah, you got it.
- Great. There's something else I want to achieve tonight.
- Just tell me what it is and I'll help you to get there. - The green eyed girl's words were just a proof of how much devotion she actually had towards Camila.
- No... - She whispered. - Words would only get in the way... - And with that sentence Camila made sure none of them would talk at that moment, their mouths were too busy tasting each other.
The affection of the touch got their emotions coming stronger. The barriers both of them insisted into building, in an attempt to make it harder to get hurt, started to fall down. It was easier to be vulnerable at that moment and it didn't feel so scary to make some confessions while having each other's arms wrapped around one another. After sharing a moment of deep intimacy, they weren't trying to hide too much. The exposure of their naked bodies made it easier to let out what was inside.
- I wish this could be more our reality and less these rare and dangerous meetings. - Camila confessed.
- Why can't we make it all happen? - Lauren's voice showed that she tried to be optimistic, but deep down she was aware of the answer and she didn't like that at all.
- We both know why. - Camila's tone got more serious and thoughtful.
- Yeah, but it's just ridiculous. - A hint of pain and anger could be found in the green eyed girl's voice. - There should be a way out of it.
- There will be. Someday...
- How long until we get there?
- I have no idea, what I do know is that I don't really want to talk about it now, Lauren. Do you? - Camila sounded defeated.
- No. - She let out as she deep breathed.
- Great, because I'm actually tired and I just want to enjoy the little time that I have. - Camila said in a light tone and got closer to Lauren. She pecked her lips a few times, turning that into a soft and gentle kiss and then made herself comfortable enough on the bed to fall asleep next to the girl that had her heart.
Lauren watched Camila fall asleep beside her, she looked like an angel. Jauregui took her phone and wrote down the words "silky angel", she had to do something with that at some point.
While thinking about their complicated situation and all the things that would possibly still come, Lauren allowed herself to simply stare at the peaceful image of Camila sleeping and let herself just feel for a moment. Silent tears fell through her face as she wished that it could last longer and happen more often.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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