Chapter 8

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It was scary for Camila to go on tour by herself, there was just so many things to be done. She was happy for receiving the invitation to be the opening act to Mars' concert, but at the same time that she was very excited, she also felt very anxious and a little insecure at times. Cabello would constantly rehearsal everything over and over again.

Camila didn't want to let anyone down and for that, even though she had accepted to open Mars' concerts in North America, she also wanted to keep on working on her album. She started getting less hours of sleep everyday in order to do everything she wanted. Sometimes, she didn't sleep at all and after a few weeks it started to become a big deal.

The lack of sleep and hidration started to make the brown eyed girl get weaker and she wasn't delivering the best of her. Pushing further would eventually make her body crash, but Camila had a problem at respecting her own limits. She was so passionate about everything she was doing that she simply didn't want to stop. However, her body showed signs that she had to take a time to rest.

- Breathe, Camila. - Sinu told her one week before the first show of Mars' tour. Camila started having an anxiety crisis and her body suffered with that. Her mind didn't stop, but her body needed more energy to work properly. - Just breathe, ok? - She said calmly. - Take a deep breath. - She caressed her daughter's back and the girl did as her mother told her. - There's always a way to get things done, we just need to allow ourselves to be flexible. Things don't have to be the hardest way.

- The album isn't finished. - Camila started speaking as she tried to control her uneven breathing. - Not even close to it. - She took a moment to deep breath again. - I can't think of the next things to do for the opening presentation... We're stuck and we should be ready now. It's only a week away. - Her voice cracked and she cried on her mother's shoulder.

- Take it easy on yourself, Camila. You've been asking too much from you. Your own decisions are setting you up. You have to allow yourself to sleep too. - Her tone was calm and she spoke slowly.

- I will do that when I'm done. - The young performer said controlling her tears as she let go of Sinu's arms. She took a bottle of water, got up from the couch they were sitting in and started walking.

- Where are you going, Camila? - She had a bossy and concerned tone in her voice.

- I have to rehearsal with the band and the dancers. - Camila's voice came out softly and a little defensively.

- No, you're not. You're going to bed right now. - Sinu let out like a very authoritarian mother.

- I can't, I have to... - Camila tried to argue.

- Yes, you can. And you will. - The young girl was stopped before finishing the sentence.

- Mom, you can't just make me stop doing this. - Camila's mood was highly alterated, due to the exhausted state she found herself in. She was feeling frustrated and would easily get angry at things.

- Yes, I can. I'm your mother and I'm looking after you. - Her strong voice made it clear she wasn't negotiating with her daughter. She was telling her what to do. - Go to bed. - She sounded calm, but extremely confident. - I'll deal with the band and the dancers.

- You're not performing, mom. I am. - The young girl sounded, somehow, pressured.

- That's exactly why you need to rest. - She reasoned with a warm and maternal tone in her voice. - I've been watching you, I know the steps. - Sinu impersonated one of the dance moves Camila did and it caused her to laugh. - You've been having very little sleeping time for the past weeks, you didn't sleep last night, you need to sleep tonight.

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