Chapter 23

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Camila placed one of her hands in Lauren's body, close to her chest. Different from the green eyed girl, Cabello used the move to prevent the older girl from getting closer to her.

- Don't you dare thinking that you can just show up like this and do whatever you want. - Camila had some strength in her voice while she stared at Lauren's burning eyes, but it was easy to see that there was also a lot of emotion in it.

- I didn't think anything. - Lauren had a defensive tone while she removed her hand from Camila's body and placed it on the wall, just like her other hand, a move that made Camila have Lauren's arms on both of her sides.

- What's all this, Lauren? - The brown eyed girl questioned while she removed her own hand from the older girl's body. She needed to hear something.

- I don't know. - Jauregui confessed while her eyes changed the feeling they expressed. Her gaze became more emotional and Camila saw the honesty inside of those beautiful green eyes. - I don't know. - She repeated while she slowly placed her forehead on Camila's left shoulder. The younger girl didn't try to stop her that time. - I'm sorry. - Lauren said in a whisper, not facing Camila so she would feel less intimidated. - I'm sorry. - She repeated, like someone who tries to make sure that what was said was heard.

- What are you sorry for? - Cabello asked with a growing pain inside of her chest. It was simply impossible for the latin girl not to feel moved by Lauren and the same happened to the green eyed one. Both of them had strong feelings linked to each other and that was something that they couldn't change. Camila's previous hours had been filled up with confusing and emotional thoughts regarding her personal and professional life. She wanted to have both, but some terms stopped her from being free. The fear of losing her dream career was big, the fear of keeping a broken heart for too long was also huge, but when it came to her heart, it didn't depend only on her and the owner of the other half had showed signs of inconsistence before.

- For all the shit that has been going on. - There was a little crack in her voice at the end, but Jauregui was brave enough not to let herself fall apart at that moment.

- My mom told me you guys talked on the phone. - Camila mentioned and they didn't need more words to make it clear that it was about what Lauren had told Sinu and the message that the older girl wanted Camila to have.

- Your mom's nice. - The green eyed girl mentioned with a sweet tone in her voice and limited her speech to those few words, not moving her body and keeping herself close to the small girl.

- What are you doing here? - The solo singer asked while she watched the girl that was so close to her breathing heavily. It was possible to notice it by the movement of her back and Camila could actually feel Lauren's breathing over her shoulder.

- I don't know. - The green eyed girl let out in a fragile moment while she removed her right hand from the wall and gently placed it on Camila's waist. The words came out in a whisper. Camila's own breathing got alterated by Lauren's behavior and for a while they only stayed there, speechless, as their energies found a way to match with one another's.

- Talk, Lauren. - The latin girl broke the silence after a quiet moment. - Talk. - It almost sounded like pleading. Jauregui moved her head and changed her body position, facing Camila one more time.

- What do you want me to say? - She asked as her eyes focused on the brown eyed girl again. She didn't seem to be so opened, but it was clear that a part of her was trully trying.

- Tell me why you are here. - The younger girl was quick to answer and held her eyes directed to Lauren's. There was something sweet in the way she looked at the latin girl and that had an effect on the singer of "Havana".

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