Chapter 18

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- So, is this how it happens? - Lauren started. - We wake up someday, have breakfast together and simply decide it's time to go separate ways? - She looked thoughtful.

- Let me put a sad song to play so that it can look more dramatic. - Dinah teased and the girls laughed at her playful way to deal with things.

- Not a sad song, Dinah. - Ally objected. - A happy song. This is a decision that's supposed to make us happier.

- It will. - Normani added.

- What are the possibilities for getting killed by Adam if I play Havana right now as our soundtrack? - Dinah proposed and the girls with her couldn't help laughing at her joke. - I mean, what else could be more inspiring? - They all had light expressions on their faces.

- I have three songs out as a "solo artist". - She made the sign with her fingers as the words came out of her mouth in a playful tone.

- Yeah, but you're not solo for real. - Dinah mocked.

- Whatever. - The green eyed girl said in a funny way and they all laughed at how light they all were taking things.

Camila had just reached the hotel room and thought about the things she had to do that day, trying to remember everything when her mother got in the room.

- Do you have a minute? - She asked carefully but there was a light expression on her face.

- Sure. - The younger girl directed her attention to the woman with her.

- There's a call for you. - Sinu revealed and Camila looked confused and surprised since her mother was handing her own phone to the girl.

- Ok... - She let out slowly as she took the device.

- I'll give you some privacy. - The older Cabello winked and Camila only grew more confused and anxious.

- Hi, it's Camila. - The brown eyed girl said with uncertainty as she held the phone close to her ear.

- Hey Mila! - Someone let out with a lot of excitment.

- Dinah? - She asked in confusion.

- That's me. - The female voice confirmed in the other side of the line.

- Hi Camila. - Someone else's voice appeared.

- Ally's there too? Hi! - The Latin girl answered with a soft giggle.

- Hi Camila, what's up? - Another known voice.

- No way! - Cabello didn't try to hide her surprise. - Mani is there too! Hey! - She sounded excited.

- Hi Camila. - A raspy voice greeted her. The easiest voice to recognize, the one that Camila could hear from far and she still would have no doubt about who was speaking.

- Everybody is there! - She let out louder due to the nervousness of just listening to everybody's voice, mainly the last one to speak. - You guys are crazy. - She spoke fast, like someone who tries to cover up their nerves. - Oh my God!  - A, somehow, shy giggle came out at the end.

- We got your message and we miss you too! - Ally was the next to speak.

- Yeah, we do! - Normani agreed.

- Guys... - Camila said in a sweet way. - That's so nice of you to call. Where are you? Where's Adam? I mean, there's no way he knows about that. - She laughed nervously.

- We're hiding in our hotel room. - Dinah explained among laughter and it was possible to hear the other girls laughing as well.

- Crazy. - The solo singer said simply.

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