Chapter 15

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- You were great! - Camila heard the familiar voice behind her while she had her microphone being removed.

- Thanks, mom. - She smiled softly as she stared at the woman coming face to face to her.

- You've got some pictures to take now, right? - Sinu asked.

- Yeah, but I need to go to my dressing room for a moment before doing that. - The younger girl sounded serious and Sinu didn't protest when she got the information.

Not very far from there, but out of Camila's view, Lauren's phone vibrated and a nervous smile showed up on her face when she saw Dinah's message.

Dinah: Dressing room.

Lauren: Ok.

Camila had a hard time breathing as she walked through the halls. Inside of her mind she kept thinking that she had just performed for Lauren. It was almost like the other people there had left. In the moment she knew Lauren was watching her, she felt like it was for her. The audience didn't intimidate her like the green eyed girl did.

It didn't take long for Camila to get to her dressing room, she was walking fast. She opened the door without looking around, she just wanted to be alone for a moment. She closed the door and didn't care to move too much, she simply rested her back on it.

- Oh my God! - Camila let out in the second her eyes captured Lauren. Her heart beat erratically as she put her hand on her chest, and she couldn't hide the surprise of seeing her ex band mate, which caused her body to shake against the door behind her. There she was, standing up inside of Cabello's dressing room and looking absolutely beautiful.

- Not really, just a human... - Lauren tried to be funny. She was nervous and unsure of what to say so she thought that if she tried to crack a joke it would make the situation easier.

- How funny. - The brown eyed let you without much humor, which made Lauren's insecurities grow.

- Hi. - The older girl said as she stepped closer to Camila, who still had her back touching the closed door.

- Hi... Lauren. - Cabello answered slowly. Lauren felt warmly nervous when she heard her own name in Camila's mouth.

- White really suits you. - Lauren complemented her clothing choice.

- Thanks. - The composer of "Havana" let out as she tried to keep a breathing rhythm.

- You killed it. - She forced herself to smile so that it wouldn't be so visible how nervous she was feeling at that moment.

- So did you. - Camila kept a serious expression on her face, which made the girl in front of her feel confused on what to say and how to say it. Cabello was being polite so far, but she held emotions in.

- You saw me performing? - The possibility of had been watched by Camila earlier made Lauren's heart change its rhythm one more time.

- No, but I heard it. Your vocals were on point. - She was being honest, but Lauren noticed that there was something lacking in her voice. The girl who had just left the stage didn't look relaxed.

- Thanks. - Jauregui sounded a little shy as she thanked her ex band mate. The next seconds were followed by a silence that didn't make them feel good. The absence of words was not comfortable and Camila had an increasing pressure inside of her.

- What are you doing here? - Camila let out without thinking too much and it was easy to notice that her voice carried many different emotions, which included anger, pain and confusion. - Why did you watch me performing? - Cabello's eyes looked deeper as she let out those words.

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