Chapter 20

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- You're upset. - Camila heard the familiar voice as she had a private lunch with the woman that gave her birth.

- I'm not. - The brown eyed girl let out along with a sigh and Sinu gave her a look. - I'm just... Serious. - The words left her mouth slowly while her eyes looked out of focus.

- Are you sure? - The older one insisted.

- Yeah. - The younger girl let lou nonchalantly, not talking much.

- Why you barely ate then? - The question got Camila aprehensive.

- I'm not very hungry right now. - The girl's answer came out simply but her words sounded empty and distant.

- You deleted the picture but you still have the jacket on. - Sinu commentted as Camila's face got a reddish color.

- I didn't really have a place to put it. - The older Cabello kept on looking at her daughter's face. Camila would easily look for an excuse whenever she found it hard to address the real thing. - Besides, it's cold. - She messed with her food and forced herself to grab one more bite.

- I feel like I should tell you something now. - Sinu continued, concluding that it was the best moment, due to her daughter's behavior.

- What? - Camila grew curious, but tried to minimize it by not looking at the woman in front of her.

- I got a call earlier. - Camila felt her heart racing. Sinu's tone antecipated the topic even before the words expressed it clearly. - It wasn't really for me, but you were busy at the moment. - The young singer had her eyes opening wider while she looked at her mother. - At first it was Dinah speaking, but that was just an excuse, the real person who wanted to say something wasn't her.

- Why do I feel like I know who tried to get in touch? - Camila's voice got a more serious tone while she interrupted Sinu's calm speech.

- Because you know. - The older Cabello said simply.

- You don't have to say her name, then. - For some kind of reason, it was easier for Camila to talk about some things without saying the name of the girl she had in mind. The green eyed girl was in the younger one's mind, but there was a certain feeling that came whenever she heard or said her name. Whenever things were fine, she would not be capable to stop herself from smiling, but when the situation was complicated, that name could also feel like a knife.

- She apologized. - The older woman at the table let out.

- Don't know what for. - She tried to look like she didn't care, but that was the exact moment she showed that she cared a lot. The look on her face spoke by itself.

- You don't have to act like you're oblivious with me, Camila. - Sinu would rarely allow Camila to act opposite to how she felt and she never encouraged her daughter to hide her feelings and lie about them for no particular reason, but simply for hiding. - Even I saw the statement by the rapper. - Sinu spoke truthfully, showing the girl in front of her that she was aware of everything that was going on.

- You're right. - Camila sighed in frustration. - I'm sorry. - She said honestly with an apologetic tone. - It's just that... - She started quickly but stopped abruptly while she looked for the words.  - It's... It's just... Hurtful sometimes. - The younger one confessed and ran her hands through her hair.

- She repeated that it was fake and that it wasn't her idea. - Sinu said and took a sip from the juice she had asked.

- I don't know... - She sounded a little distant, like someone who traveled in their own pain. - This whole thing is just full of questions and there are way too many answers missing. - Her mind took her further and that wasn't simply about one act anymore.

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