Chapter 14

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- Dinah, why did we stop now? - Lauren asked nervously. She had a clue about what she would hear from Dinah, but she needed to listen from her friend so that it would be more believable.

- There they are... - The Polynesian girl said in a slightly defeated way.

- Dinah, is that Juno? - The green eyed girl couldn't help herself from asking about the guitar player her eyes had just seen.

- You can bet your ass. - There was no place they could hide at that point and Dinah felt a little scared that someone who was not supposed to see them would be there at that moment.

- Is Camila with them? - Lauren's heart beat faster.

- She's not supposed to, but who knows... - The girls kept on staring Camila's crew pass by in the other side of the hall. Both Dinah and Lauren had their hearts racing when Juno waved for them. They answered to it with the same move, but that only made them more nervous. - We got lucky, Jauregui... - DJ let out in relief when everyone was done passing. - Now let's go. - She moved as she held Lauren's arm.

- Tell me where we're going now, you're really getting me nervous, Dinah. - The girl from Miami wasn't kidding when she said that. Her hands were getting cold at every second that passed and the absence of control was starting to get to her. - It looks like we're just turning around to find the stage through the other side...

- We're watching Mila's performance, so yeah, we're going to the other side of the stage. - She finally explained.

- Dammit Dinah... - The Polynesian laughed softly at her friend's reaction. - This is a little risky, don't you think?

- So what? This adrenaline is fun, isn't it? - Dinah showed that she was in a good mood, even though they were putting themselves in a dangerous situation. Lauren didn't say anything, just forced a laugh.

Safely reaching their spot close to the stage, they couldn't keep their eyes off of that. Some steps above the ground gave them a good view of what was going on there.

- Her stage is looking cool. - Dinah expressed herself while she watched Camila's crew finishing their work with it.

- It actually is. - Lauren agreed with some deep thoughts about the girl who was about to perform.

- I really like Havana... - The taller girl confessed with a smile on her face.

- Me too, it's a very good song. - The girl with darker hair was extremely sincere.

- Havana oh na na... - Dinah sang softly with a bigger smile on, which made Lauren have a similar expression on her face.

- There you go... - The green eyed girl mocked as her friend sang excitedly, but the smile on their faces showed how much they were appreciating that moment.

A different movement close to the stage got Lauren's attention. Dinah was too busy singing her friend's song, but the black haired girl focused on something else. Her heart lost its rhythm when she saw the person she was there to see. Camila was getting ready to go to the stage.

- Dinah! Look! - She called as she felt her air vanish.

- I really loved that outfit. - DJ let out in a very sincere way.

- She looks amazing... - Lauren said in a whisper, which she thought wouldn't be heard by her friend, but they were closer than she realized.

- Breathe, Jauregui... - Dinah whispered in her band mate's ear. Lauren didn't reply, she had nothing to say, her mind was only focused on her ex band mate.

They were in a very restricted area, the view of the stage was really good and they didn't take their eyes off of that. They watched the moment that Juno got close to Camila and whispered something to her ear. Whatever it was, it made Camila start looking around, like someone who looked for something. Lauren's eyes captured every move.

Down there, the younger girl knew exactly what she had heard.

- You're kidding me, right? - The girl who was about to perform asked her guitar player, directing her attention to her crew member.

- I'm not. - Juno answered simply. - I saw them when I was coming to the stage. I'm just as surprised as you are.

- Do you think they could be close? - Cabello's heart beat out of the regular rhythm.

- That's possible... I'm gonna go find my place now. See you on stage. - She informed the singer and started walking away.

Camila didn't stop looking around until her eyes finally found what she was looking for. There she was... The girl who had so much power over her. After months without seeing her face, she could feel her nerves getting to her.

There wasn't much light, but Camila recognized Lauren and Dinah standing there. She could even tell they were looking into her direction, but the absence of light stopped her from being sure about that.

Knowing that the green eyed beauty was there was one thing, seeing her so close and about to watch her performance was something else to Camila. She deep breathed to keep her cool, but she couldn't help having some specific lines running through her mind...

My heart is in Havana...

- Dammit, Lauren! - She whispered to herself right before she got to the stage.

Camila was over worried about her performance and in an attempt to control her nerves she focused on another strong feeling: anger. The brown eyed girl realized that it was easier to control her anxiety if she pushed herself to feel some anger. The only problem was that it was much more tiring and confusing than feeling anxious. Besides, it could come with some unpleasant side effects. However, at that point, she was willing to take the risk, she had a performance to put on.

Camila set fire to the stage and those strong flames really got to someone else's heart. Lauren held hers on her sleeve at that moment and every move made by the younger girl made Jauregui's heart beat faster or skip a beat.

The way Camila moved had always been something that got a lot of attention from the green eyed girl. Seeing her performing made the older girl question her choices and her past attitude. At that moment she deeply missed sharing the stage with the Cuban girl. Camila was her safe place whenever they performed. She was the one to make a funny face just make her laugh during a concert and release some tension. Lauren had nobody to make her laugh that way anymore and so she couldn't laugh anymore.

The Lauren that existed in Camila's presence only existed in Camila's presence and after months away from each other, Lauren had forgotten about that girl she used to be. But listening to Camila's voice so loud and seeing her from that small distance made Lauren feel again what she felt when they worked together.

Camila looked provocative on that stage and the way she moved her body had an explosive effect on the girl who watched her. Lauren felt that need of Camila on her skin and any rational thought started to disappear. She was slowly giving in to her emotions.

Jauregui could barely blink and she certainly didn't breathe in a regular way throughout Cabello's performance. When Camila was done, the owner of beautiful green eyes knew exactly what she had to do.

- It's showtime, Dinah... - The raspy voice had some confidence and determination.

- Watch your phone and tell her I miss her, Jauregui. - Dinah winked at her friend, as they went separate ways.

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