Chapter 22

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The driving lasted one hour, time enough for Lauren to have a million thoughts going through her mind while the radio was on and many songs played. When she heard Camila's voice as her song played on the radio, the 5H member felt her heart beat in a different way, a mixture of nervousness and desire.

There was confusion inside of the green eyed girl's chest and when she stopped in front of the music studio she had been told that Camila was at, her nerves got the best of her and she needed to take a moment to breathe in order to calm down.

- What the fuck am I doing? - She whispered to herself while still inside the car, that had its engine no longer on.

She didn't know what to do, she tried to predict the next steps she would take but whenever she pictured a scenario, a new one showed up and after trying that for over five times, she realized that there was no way she would predict what was coming on her way once she entered the place she looked at from inside her car.

Controlling her own insecurities, Lauren left the car and allowed her feet to touch the sidewalk where the music studio was located. After every step taken by the girl from Miami, her heart raced a little more.

Of course there would be someone guarding the door, they never left the place without supervision. It wasn't her first time in that specific music studio, after all they all shared the same record label, so the polite man who stood by the door didn't have any problems at recognizing the green eyed singer and was kind when interacting with the girl.

- Hey, I haven't been told you'd show up here tonight. - The white man with aging signs let out as soon as his eyes found Lauren.

- Yeah. - She said nervously.

- Especially tonight, I mean. - He commented, referring to the fact that it was Halloween night. Lauren had no costume on, since she had stopped by her house, changed her outfit and taken some things. At that moment, she had black jeans, a black rock band T-shirt, black leather jacket and black boots on. During the time she stayed at the empty house, she almost changed her mind, but the adrenaline that had already taken control over her body made her keep her first thought, so she went back to the car and drove to the music studio.

- I have something to do here. - Jauregui said simply.

- Oh, ok. - He didn't have a questioning tone and accepted her words easily, motioning for her to pass and get in.

- By the way... - The Fifth Harmony member started right before moving towards the entrance. - Is Roger here? - She used the manager as an excuse when she actually wanted to know about the girl he had been working with.

- Oh, no. He left a while ago. - The man answered with no hesitation. - But Camila's still here. - He added and Lauren felt her heart skipping a beat. - Roger told me to kick her out if she takes too long. - He allowed himself to sound playful and the green eyed girl laughed at his report but kept her toughts to herself, not vocalizing anything related to the issue.

- Thanks. - She said while walking in, after the man gave her space to walk through.

While walking inside the music studio, Lauren wondered where exactly Camila would be. It wasn't a small place so the solo singer could be anywhere.

Looking at everything her eyes could capture, Jauregui noticed that there were many closed doors and lights off. She figured Camila wouldn't be in any of those. Going upstairs, she wondered if she would find Camila there, but once again there was no sign of the Cuban girl. Besides, she could only hear the silence and the soft sound of her footsteps.

One more floor up, Lauren started to lose hope when she simply couldn't see the girl she was hoping to find there. The automatic lights that went on whenever anyone walked through the hall were the only light found by the green eyed girl. Going downstairs, she decided to check every bathroom, just finding empty rooms and getting more and more confused. She had been told that Camila was there, so why couldn't she find the girl?

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