Chapter 1- Bitten

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It was dark. Molly could see nothing. Her eyes were open, she was sure. She stared into the dark pit before her. She heard something move. With a gasp, Molly followed the noise with her eyes. And there it was. Something. That something darted right in front of her in a flash, making Molly gasp once more. She heard a flutter of some sort. Wings? Course not...this was a human that Molly saw. But she could have sworn that what she heard was the movement of wings. She moved her hands behind her and slowly sat up. She could still only see darkness. Glancing around curiously, for any sign of light, she heard the flutter once more.

"H..hello?" Molly stuttered into the darkness.

She was replied with a sigh that made her jump. Then a "Molly..."

She felt her eyes widen with fright. "Who-" Molly was interupted by a faint hush.

"I hate when dumb humans question," the voice said.

Molly couldn't decide if it was a man or woman. Her brain tugged on the word 'human'. Was this person...thing...not human?

In the blink of an eye, Molly saw a pair of high heeled boots before her. She followed the black and red boots up to find a woman clad in a tight, short black dress. She had auburn hair that sat on her shoulders. The woman's red coated lips were curled up in a smirk as her bright red looking eyes glared down at Molly. After taking her in, Molly tried to stand, but was pushed down by a black manicured hand. The woman laughed when Molly fell back in response to the woman barley pushing her hand against Molly's chest.

Molly glared up at her, hiding her fright. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

The woman kneeled down to face her. That's when Molly saw the wings. Big and grey. She flinched as the beautiful creature got closer to Molly.

"My name is Savannah," she told Molly.

"And you want what from me?" Molly managed to get out.

Savannah laughed for a reason Molly did not know. What was so funny? Molly didn't know where she was, what this woman wanted, who this woman was, and better yet, what this woman was. Molly glanced around the dark space and waited for Savannah to answer her. When she glanced back at Savannah, she was only smiling at Molly and taking her in. Molly glanced down at herself. She was wearing dark jeans and a basic red t-shirt. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a braid that ran along her back. Molly tried to remember what had happened before she woke up here. She was leaving the movie theatre with Cassie and Amber. She remembered wishing that she'd worn a long shirt when the cool night air was pressed against her exposed skin.

Molly shook her head. "Where are we?"

Savannah glanced around as well. Then looking back at Molly, she sighed and ran a gentle finger along Molly's cheekbone. When Molly flinched away from her, Savannah grabbed her chin and forced her to look at her. Molly shivered as Savannah ran a hand up Molly's leg.

"My..." Savannah groaned and stared into Molly's eyes. Molly mumbled but found herself unable to speak under Savannah's touch.

Savannah began to lift up Molly's shirt and without thinking, Molly helped her, throwing it into the dark pit that surrounded them. Savannah began placing light kisses along Molly's neck and Molly stroked the creature's hair. Savannah began sucking on her neck, causing Molly to moan. Savannah chuckled and crawled on top of Molly, pinning her down. That's when realization hit Molly. What was she doing? Letting this creature lead her on. She squirmed under Savannah's pressure but got nowhere. Savannah held her down and wasn't going anywhere. Savannah slowly rocked back and forth on top of Molly. Molly let a soft moan escape from her lips, not being able to control herself. Savannah leaned closer to Molly, running her lips along Molly's neck. Then, Savannah ran her teeth lightly along Molly's neck and groaned. Molly raised her eyebrows.

She shivered as the teeth ran along her skin. Except they didn't feel like normal teeth. They felt sharp and pointy. Molly gasped when she thought of the possibility that Savannah was a demon. A vampire. But it was impossible, wasnt it? Vampires didn't exist...right?

Molly relaxed, figuring it was impossible for her assumption to be correct. So she laid back and enjoyed herself. This was probably just a dream anyway. It had to be.

As soon as Molly had found peace under Savannah, she felt an excruciating pain in her neck and cried out. She tried to move herself up, but was still forced down by Savannah. She felt a warm liquid run down her neck and onto her chest. She cried out again when she saw it was red. It was her own blood. Savannah had bitten her and was not yet finished. Her body was heaving and she held on tightly to Molly, sucking vigouresly on her neck, not taking the time to breathe. Molly panted, feeling drained from all energy and still in pain.

She felt the teeth... Or fangs...whatever they were, finally pull from her skin. She groaned in pain and struggled keeping her eyes open. She saw a blurry Savannah lean back in front of her and wipe Molly's blood off of her lips with a nimble finger. Molly then watched her lick the finger clean.

Molly groaned and fell to the floor, Savannah not stopping her movement this time. Then Molly was devoured in a deep blackness.

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