Molly didn't have a headache for the first time in a while when she woke up the next morning. She sighed then felt a frown form on her face when she realized Savannah had left her.
Molly laid in her bed for a few minutes before she grew the urge to walk around. She had been in this room for about three days now, and couldn't stand it anymore.
She glanced down at the machine she was connected to and smiled when she saw that it had wheels. She carefully got out of the bed. She shivered when her bare feet pressed against the cool floor.
She began to pull the blood bag along with her. She pushed the door open and walked down a long hall and then was led back into the big empty center room.
She saw the door that led outside nearby and smiled brightly to herself. She was craving fresh air. She walked towards it and it took all her energy to yank it open.
She took a step outside and breathed in the warm morning air.
She noticed a path that circled around the castle and decided to take it. She dragged her pump around and started on the path.
She hoped she had the energy to walk around the whole thing.
Not even halfway through, she noticed something near a bush. Was that... A hand?
She saw what looked like a pale human hand sticking out from under the bush. She was a bit scared, but also curious, so she made her way towards it.
She lightly tapped at it with her foot. Nothing. It didn't move. Didn't even flinch. Oh God...
Molly almost fell back when she realized the truth: It was a dead body.
She wanted to run away, but needed to know who this was. Did she know this person?
She stepped around the bushes to the other side which took forever- considering she was still dragging around her pump.
Once on the other side, she could see everything.
She screamed when she saw the horrific sight. She felt vomit threaten to explode from her mouth.
It was James.
There was blood everywhere. A large stake was shoved into his chest and was sticking straight up.
Molly felt dizzy and would have fallen over if she wasn't clinging onto the blood pump with sweating hands. Who had done this?
She glanced around her, half expecting someone to have heard her scream and come running over.
After swallowing down her vomit, and seeing no one else in sight, she peered over him to get a better look.
His bright green eyes were closed and all the veins in his face were visible. His hair was sticking to his forehead with fresh sweat. How long ago had he been killed?
Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw what was lying on his chest. A red rose. Lying next to the stake intruded into his heart.
The rose was stained with his blood and its thorns were sharp.
Molly couldn't take the sight anymore and climbed back over the bushes and followed the path back to the castle as fast as she could.
She rushed into the castle and was panting loudly. This had to be a dream.
Molly felt rediculous but she squeezed her eyes shut and began pinching herself. She prayed that she would wake up in the hospital bed and didn't see that horrible sight. Or, better yet, wake up in her bed back home.
But she only opened her eyes to Savannah rushing towards her with a worried expresion on her face.
Should she let her know what she had seen? She groaned out loud. She needed to. She had to know what had happened to James.
"Molly! What are you doing out of your bed? Oh my... What's wrong? You look as if you've seen a ghost!"
"What...what did I see...see out there, Sav...Savannah?" She pointed to the door with a shaking finger.
Savannah shook her head and stared at Molly as if she was going insane. "I don't know what you're talking about. What did you see out there?"
"James..." That's all Molly could manage to get out.
Savannah's face flushed and she glanced down. "I...I don't know what your talking about, Molly." She placed a gentle hand on Molly's elbow and turned towards the hospital room. "Maybe all that...that medicine has gotten to you."
Molly grew angry. "Don't hide anything from me, Savannah. I need to know what happened."
Savannah hesitated for what seemed like hours until she sighed and dropped her hand from Molly's arm and turned back to face her.
She was just about to speak when a chuckle interupted her, followed by the sound of heels clamping along the staircase.
The two turned to find Lucy walking down the stairs with that smirk that seemed to be constantly on her face. Molly couldn't help but groan. She wanted a damn explanation, not another argument with this monster!
Lucy shot a look at her and began walking their way once she had stepped off the last stair.
"Lucy, me and Molly need to have a private talk, if you don't mind," Savannah said, seeming just as irritated as Molly.
"Well, I feel as if you are not going to tell her the truth. And she deserves to know the truth, does she not?" Lucy said, raising a brow at Savannah.
Savannah glanced at Molly. "I was going to tell her the truth, you need to stop eavs-"
Lucy held up a hand to shush her. "I'll tell precious Molly what has happened." She then leaned in close to Savannah's face. "I suggest you go tell father."
Molly saw tears spring to Savannah's eyes and then she made her way to the winding stairs.
Lucy interupted yet again. "Don't worry about her."
Savannah was at the top of the stairs by now and stopped to glance back at them before turning the corner.
Molly sighed and turned her focus to Lucy.
Lucy clicked her tounge. "Alright, well. You want to know the truth?"
Molly nodded. Lucy turned around and began to walk in little circles along the black floor. Would she stop building up the suspsense and just tell her? It couldn't be that bad...
Lucy suddenly turned to face Molly. "Savannah murdered him."
Well then, maybe it could be that bad...

Red Roses
Vampire[GirlxGirl] A gay/lesbian love story between a vampire and a human. Molly, the human, is kidnapped by a royal vampire named Savannah. Savannah claims Molly is her 'mate.' She is convinced Molly and her are meant to be together and wants Molly to liv...