Chapter 15- Special

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Molly was awake when James came in the next morning. Well, she assumed it was morning, there was only one tiny square-shaped dirty window on the other side of the room.

She hadn't slept much due to all her anxiety.

He walked to the center of the room and looked at Molly. He was wearing a knight's suit with his steel helmet up and it looked as if he'd been crying.

He finally sighed and the chains were suddenly off of Molly's neck.

She ran her hand over where the chain had been rubbing against her neck. Ouch.

He unlocked and opened the cage with his vampire powers or whatever and grabbed for her. She wasn't going down without a fight and instantly bit his hand again.

He yelped and pulled back. Has he not gotten used to that yet? Molly chuckled. He had to have expected that.

He grabbed for her leg and she began kicking him with the other one as hard as she could. He grabbed both by her ankles and began to drag her out of the room. Oh hell no.

Molly squirmed and rolled along the ground. She could feel bruises forming all over her body from this, but she continued anyways.

He growled and twisted her ankle. She squealed and tears stung her eyes. It was broken- She was sure.

They were suddenly outside in a bright forest. Molly couldn't help but praise the sunshine and outdoors.

She was in James' arms now, still squirming away. She looked over his shoulder and wondered where they were going when she saw a single table sitting in the middle of the forest. Oh, gosh. The thought of him sarcaficing Molly to the vampire god or whatever scared her and she fought with him even more.

Vincent suddenly appeared into view and chuckled. "We don't have a personal vampire god."

Molly glared at him. "I never said personal."

Vincent walked closer. "You didn't say anything at all." He clicked his tounge at her.

She was about to argue back, when James slammed Molly onto the wooden table. She grunted and glared up at him. He began to tie her wrists and ankles to the table. She fought the whole time, but her fighting was pretty much useless.

"Okay, everything is ready now," James said.

"So you think the injured will be able to get up this hill?" Vincent asked, pointing to a small slope not far away.

James nodded. "It's not that bad. They all know where she's located."

The two men walked away, leaving Molly alone.

She squirmed in the ties, trying to break free. Where the hell was Savannah?!

She heard a gun shot and then a rush of chaos. There was screaming and shouting and yelling and the sound of steel. She even saw a fire ball go flying in the air. She gasped and continued squirming until she heard panting and slow footsteps.

She glanced around her curiously. The footsteps grew closer and the panting grew louder.

The person finally came into view.

He was gripping his stomach tightly and was sweating and bleeding. All the blood was pouring out of his stomach. She stared at him with wide eyes. Can't vampires heal on their own?!

He came up to her and leaned on the table. She squirmed even more, terrified. He grumbled and shoved his fangs into her arm. She screamed and tried to yank it away from him, but he clamped his hand over her arm with a strong hand.

He suddenly had strength now, compared to how he had limped up to her. She gaped at him as he continued feeding from her.

He finally ripped his fangs out, causing Molly to groan. She then glanced at his once-injured stomach. It looked perfectly fine and he had back all of his strength. He was gone in an instant.

Molly panted lightly and looked at her bloody arm. She noted the tiny holes he had left in her arm.

She then heard a rustle of branches. Someone else now needed her blood.

How long was this going to go on? Only one had drank from her and she felt completely weak and drained.

The next one was on her in an instant. He took a bite out of her leg, sucking eagerly. She screamed and leaned over to look at him.

He had bleach hair and his leg was bloody.

She watched as his wound healed and all the blood was gone.

He yanked his fangs from her leg, causing her to scream again. Once finished, he flicked his tounge against the bite marks he left and then he sprinted away.

Molly glanced down at her leg and saw the marks were gone and it looked as it nothing had happened.

She was sweating and panting.

Three more injured vampires came to her for her special blood and as they fed from her, she grew extremely dizzy and weak. She groaned as another man came up to her, but she passed out befkre he bit her, avoiding the pain from him that she had received from the others' biting.

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