Chapter 42- Honeymoon

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Molly let out a sigh as the cool and refreshing water kissed her toes and ankles.

Savannah was standing behind Molly and had her arms wrapped around her.

Here they were: Hawaii.

A perfect honeymoon spot.

The wedding had went on as planned once everyone was finished with. Molly kept wondering whether everything was okay now. Just when she thought it was, all these bad things popped up.

After Nicholas denying her offer to dance, she had asked him what was so wrong with her. He had dragged her off to a corner and told her that he had trust issues.

Since Molly seemed to run off each time something bad happened, he didn't trust she would always stay with Savannah if something bad were to happen.

Molly understood his theory and promised him not to take it terribly again.

"This is so relaxing."

Molly jumped as Savannah interrupted her train of thought.

"It is." She smiled and cocked her head back to kiss her wife.

After pulling from the kiss, Molly watched Savannah's eyes travel ahead, as if she were thinking real hard.

"What is it?" Molly asked after following Savannah's eyes and only finding the usual waves of the ocean.

"I've been thinking..."


"I know this is early, Molly. But..."She trailed off again.

Molly gave her an assuring smile, despite the fact her neck was growing irritated by being craned to the side still.

"Just say it."

Savannah looked Molly in the eyes and Molly got a sparking sensation she would never get used to.

Savannah's face showed all seriousness. "What do you think about kids?"

Molly gaped and turned to face Savannah. "Kids?"

Savannah shrugged. "I know it's early, but I really would want some with you."

Molly nodded. "I like the idea."

"You do?"

She really did. It'd be amazing to have a family with Savannah.

"In fact, I love the idea!"

Savannah beamed. "Then we shall go to adoption centers right when we get back!"

Molly nodded, feeling herself grinning from ear to ear.

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