Chapter 3- Mine

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"You did what?" Molly asked with wide eyes.

Savannah only nodded.

"I-" Molly began, but was interuppted.

"You are mine, Molly," Savannah said with a smile.

Molly was speechless. "But... Why me? And what exactly do you mean by 'mine,' I don't understand."

Savannah carresed Molly's cheek with the palm of her finger. "Mine," Savannah said before pulling her hand from Molly and sighing. "You see, in this...vampire world, if you will, exists of mating. All the vampires find their 'mate.' We usually know who that person is or will be by the time we are 112." Savannah paused. "Or 19 in human years. And my 18th birthday was a week ago."

Molly stared at Savannah, trying to fully take in her age. Molly was 17.

"So, what does all this have to do with me?"

Savannah laughed and smiled sweetly. "You are my mate. I'm meant to be with you, Molly." Savannah grinned sheepishly.

Molly gasped and scooted away. How could she be her mate? She doesn't even know Savannah. And what a wonderful first impression Savannah had made by skinking her teeth into Molly and holding her captive.

"Savannah, there must be a mistake. We don't even know each other."

Savannah let out an evil giggle. "Oh dear... You might have not known me, but I have known you."

"How?" Molly blurted out.

"I followed you. Remember that 'mysterious' girl you saw in the gym bathroom?"

Molly did remember. She was changing one day in the gym after volleyball practice and had seen someone in there that she did not recognize. She heard someone in there with her as soon as she had entered the stall. When she stepped out, she heard footsteps then a door slam. But before the girl had gotten away, she saw a whisp of auburn hair. She didn't think too much about it then.

"And the girl who served you lunch?" Savannah reminded her.

Molly always brought her lunch to school. But one day she forgot. So she had to go through that damn lunch line with all the disgusting food she had never had- only had heard of. She knew that they didn't serve anything she likes, but she was not about to starve herself for the rest of the day so she had gone through the line anyway. But something wasn't right. The line didn't flow all the way out into the hallway as it usually did. Only a few people were in the line. Molly had felt lucky and walked on in and looked at the food choices, expecting to find horrid food that she would have nightmares about for ages. But instead, she had seen some of the best looking food she'd ever seen. There were plates filled with grilled chicken and mashed potatoes, turkey with maceronni, and ceaser salad. Along with other of her favorite dishes. Even the desert tray was filled with her favorite sweets, one being rasberry cake. She picked up a plate of the turkey and maceronni and looked up to ask the lunch lady how much the plate would cost her. But she had found none of the usual ladies there. Just a young woman standing there staring at Molly. She had went on and asked her how much it was and the woman had told Molly. She then stared as Molly walked away.

"You see?" Savannah questioned.

Molly knew Savannah could see how all this was coming back to her.

"I sneeked into the locker room to see you and I knocked out all of those lunch ladies and replaced that horrible food with your favorites and served you," Savannah told her with a cheesy smile.

Molly couldn't help but laugh. This was crazy. "How did you find me?" Molly wondered.

"I could sense you," Savannah told her. "The day of my birthday, I sensed something near your high school. And something was pulling me there. So I went, and I saw you walking across the hall, and the sense grew stronger. So I followed you. I almost passed out in the locker room. The scent was so strong."

Molly took all this in. "So then, you decided to kidnap me?" Molly asked, still confused and a bit angry.

"Yeah... I couldn't help myself. I needed you," Savannah remarked, brushing a hair behind her ear.

Molly sighed and leaned back against the rocky wall.

"I'm sorry," Savannah said quietly.

"Why did you treat me so horribly when I woke up here, then?" If she really was Savannah's 'mate,' you'd think she would have treated her better.

"I get really feisty while feeding. And I didn't think I'd like your reaction when I explained this to you. I didn't think you'd believe me. I figured I should prove some of it to you," Savannah chuckled and looked Molly over, " but you do seem to be taking all this in pretty well."

Molly was a good actress then. Her heart was pounding fast and heavy and she felt sweat forming on her hairline.

Savannah stood up and started to walk away. Where was she going? Molly still had so many questions for her. She found none of this fair.

Savannah appeared again sooner than expected and held a bowl of what looked like soup in her hands. Molly took in how much lighter the area was. The area that she assumed was a cave.

"Here," Savannah said as she handed the soup to Molly. When she saw the food, she came to realize how hungry she really was. She took the spoon that Savannah handed her and began to eat the warm soup. How did Savannah manage to not only make this, but have it nice and hot, in a cave? Molly didn't really care though, she had more important questions.

"How did you know my favorite foods?" Molly asked.

Savannah shrugged, "I honestly don't even know. It just came to me."

Molly took another bite of her soup. "What...what about my family?"

Savannah hesitated before answering her. "My father will deal with them," she said simply.

"What do you mean?" Molly asked, unsure if she really wanted an answer.

"He'll brainwash them and none of them will know that you ever existed."

Molly almost spit out her soup. "Excuse me?! Is that really necessary?"

Savannah nodded, "They can't know you're with a vampire, Molly. Duh."

Molly wanted to scream. She set down her soup ever so roughly and stood up. "Okay, listen. I never agreed to any of this. So first of all, we are not together. Second of all, where the hell do you plan on taking me? Cause I promise you I am not going anywhere except home. And if I did agree to be with you, could we not be together in a normal place? As in home? You've been to my school, so clearly being all out in the open doesn't bother you. To add on to all of this, I don't even know you! And I don't even believe in vampires! This is complete nonsense!" Molly's voice rose with every word as she grew angrier and angrier.

When she had finished venting, Savannah just stared at her. She finally stood up to face Molly. "Look, we are going to live together. In my kingdom."

Molly's eyes grew wide. "Kingdom?" She said hoarsely.

"Kingdom," Savannah repeated. "I am a princess of the Red Rose Coven."

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