Molly was dating a killer.
Lucy nodded. "Just last night. She invited him over, which was plain ignorance on his part to come, since he knew we all knew what he had done to you."
"Nichol... Your father said he would deal with him," Molly told her, confused.
"He didn't say he was going to kill him, hm?"
"Well, no. But... It sounded as if he was going to"
Lucy sighed. "Well, he didn't. I don't know what he did to him, but it wasn't enough for Savannah."
"How did you know she had killed him?"
"I was walking past her room yesterday, and I heard her screaming and shouting. I heard things breaking and banging. So I quickly went into her room to see what in hell she was doing. Her eyes were red and her veins were sticking out of her arms and she was throwing things wildly. I pinned her against the bed and demanded she calm down. It took a while, but her eyes finally went back to their natural golden color and her arms were back to normal. Then I asked her what she was throwing a huge fit for. She told me she was angry. She was angry about what had happened to you. She blamed it on herself. I convinced her it wasn't her fault. I told her it was James' fault. She then grew furious at him and kept saying she was going to kill him. Of course, I didn't think she meant it literally."
Lucy stopped a moment to breath. "And so I left her and let her be. Later I heard the guard say that her guest had arrived, I looked over the railing to see who it was. James was standing there and he looked extremely nervous and uncomfortable. Savannah walked up to him and gained his trust by rubbing his shoulder and they talked in hushed voices. I saw her point to the door and they walked outside to take a walk together. I figured everything was okay and they were going to work everything out. That was until I heard a blood curling scream. Not until after I saw the body, did I remember seeing Savannah leave with a backpack on. I saw a wide brown stick sticking out of the bag. I didn't think anything of it at the moment."
Molly was speechless. She created this image in her mind of everything that Lucy had explained. She couldn't believe it. She had killed James cause of Molly.
"It's not like he's the first person she has killed..." Lucy stated quietly.
"Who...who else has she killed?"
"Two others. The first person she killed was the doctor that helped mom with Savannah's birth. When she was sixteen, they told her she had a twin who died in mom's stomach. She went crazy. She demanded to know who did the work on mom during her pregnancy. No one knew she was going to kill him!"
Lucy chuckled then continued. "She broke into his home. She blamed him for the death of her twin. And she killed him. In front of his wife, too."
Molly gasped. "How'd she...she kill him?"
"A bat," Lucy told her.
"A bat?"
Lucy nodded. "Hit him on the back of the head."
"That's awful..."
"I know," Lucy said simply.
"What about the second person?" Molly asked, not a hundred percent sure she wanted to know the answer.
Lucy hesitated before telling her. "A woman who almost ran over you," she said quietly.
Molly tilted her head to the side, trying to remember. "She told me all about it. She followed you when you left school one day. You were walking to some ice cream shop with two others."
Molly remembered that day. It was freshman year and Lucy was right- she was walking to get ice crram with her two best friends. One of them that she went to the shop with was there the night Savannah kidnapped her at the movies.
"And you all were crossing the street. But you had dropped something and had to pick it up before you could cross. And your friends had already walked ahead. You still had time, so you ran across the street. Then the light changed. It was green. And so the cars began to go. You were passing the last lane and the woman began honking at you impatiently. She started to drive, causing you to fall down in fright. But you fell on the sidewalk and you were alright. But Savannah was furious and followed her. She killed her once she stepped out of the car. The woman was going go the dentist and Savannah killed her in the parking lot. There were headlines everywhere about it."
Molly remembered everything. It was all just as Lucy told her. She even recalled seeing news about a murder at a dentist parking lot.
"How did she kill her?"
"A knife across her throat. But no one found who did it." Lucy sighed. "...Luckily."
"Do your parents know?"
"They know about the doctor, but not the woman." Lucy chuckled and crossed her arms. "I always use that to black mail Savannah. If she won't listen to me of whatever, I threaten to tell."
Molly chuckled as well. She just couldn't believe she was in love with a murderer. And two of those people were killed because of her.
"Well," Lucy finally said, inturupting Molly's thoughts. "You need to go back to your hospital room."
Molly nodded and began to make her way. " you need me to walk you there?"
Did Lucy really just offer that to her?
Molly shook her head. "Thank you, though."
Lucy nodded and walked away.
Why was she being nice to her?
Molly collapsed back onto the bed once back in the room. She just wanted to go on a refreshing little stroll but had been attacked by loads of drama. She hoped Savannah's parents were not too angry. She hoped they would understand.
She soon fell asleep, unhappy and disappointed Savannah wasn't there holding her this time.

Red Roses
Vampire[GirlxGirl] A gay/lesbian love story between a vampire and a human. Molly, the human, is kidnapped by a royal vampire named Savannah. Savannah claims Molly is her 'mate.' She is convinced Molly and her are meant to be together and wants Molly to liv...