2 || A happy birthday?

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-Chimin's POV-

You never thought you'll accept the petition that Taeyang told you earlier this day, and of course, you didn't expect to tell him that you still craving for Hwiyoung. He might be kind of your brother because you grew up together, but you don't have the same parents, nor the same blood or DNA. However, you are feeling this weird sensation since your mother told you that you weren't related at all.

Currently, you are at your house washing the dishes you used for the picnic with the guys, when suddenly you got a text from someone. You stopped washing and looked at your phone; it was a text from Chani.

-I never thought you will say that again - Chani.

-What do you mean Chani? – You replied.

-Let's talk -. Then Chani started to call you through the phone. You picked up.

-Better... So Taeyang told us everything, and I'm so surprised that you deny him – Chani said while laughing.

-Well, what can I say? He's not my type – You replied as you laugh a little.

-He also told us that you are going to see him tomorrow.

-Oh yeah, I'm giving up on what I said – You said a bit worried.

-What? No, why? You two need to talk, it has been almost three years - Chani told.

-I don't know what should I talk about with him, it's been so long since I spoke to him face to face.

-Come on Chim, he really wants to see you, and also to explain to you why he left – Chani said trying to convince you.

-I'll probably go because I promise that to Taeyang, and I always keep my promises.

-That's better than nothing. By the way, you still like Hwiyoung? – Chani asked playfully.

-Chani! – You said while blushing.

-*Laugh* sorry Chim, Taeyang-hyung told us that as well – Chani said while laughing.

-He did what?! *Sigh* whatever. It's weird I know – You said embarrassed.

-No. Like, yes you two grew up together, and you treated each other like brothers. However, is not weird now because you know that he's not your biological brother – Chani said kindly.

-But I haven't forgiven him.

-That's another thing that he will have to take care of when you two start to hang out more, with us of course - Chani spoke.

-I can't believe that I'm going to be with him alone, talking – You said nervously.

-Don't worry Chimin, you'll see that everything is going to be alright. Just try to not kill him – Chani said positively.

-I will try - You sighed.

-Chim, I have to go now, the guys are calling me - Chani said.

-Okay Chani, bye.

-Hwiyoung's POV-

As soon as Chani finished the call he was doing I ran away from the door's room and went to the room I share with Taeyang.

Who was talking with?

One part of me thinks that it was Chimin but at the same time, another part of me doesn't want to believe that.

Tomorrow is the only day I have to talk to her, that's why I care so much about what the other guys are talking with her today. Since I really need to explain to her everything that happened before I abandoned her.

-Oh, Hwiyoung, I thought you were downstairs – Taeyang said surprised as he got inside the room.

-I wanted to be by my own for some time – I said while laying down on the bed.

-Are you nervous about tomorrow? – Taeyang asked as he sat on the other bed in front of me.

-I mean it's only my birthday, and I bet the surprises everyone planned are going to be awesome - I said while looking at the ceiling.

-But... - Taeyang added.

-After that... I'm going to see Chimin again, after so many years. It feels weird, and I don't know how I should treat her.

-You are kind of siblings so you know her good enough to talk again with her face to face. She hasn't changed at all, I promise – Taeyang said trying to calm my nerves.


A loud sound woke me up from my sleep and as soon as I opened my eyes I saw all the guys in front of me with brightly smiles, and with a good looking cake. I was looking at them surprised.

-HAPPY 18 BIRTHDAY HWIYOUNG! – All of them said excited and with bright smiles.

-Chimin's POV-

Today is your "brother's" birthday, and even though it's too early to think about it, you can't help yourself. You are too nervous to see him, and you are really worried because you don't know how you should treat him. Chani told you yesterday that you should go and talk to him, so as Taeyang. And in yesterday's picnic, you asked Jaeyoon about him, and if he has changed. His answer was the one you wanted to hear, "He stills the same cold on the outside, but caring and kind when you get to know him" that's what he told you.

You do believe in everything your friends tell you because they had never given you the reason why you shouldn't trust them. However this time you don't want to think, your mind is total chaos right now. While you try to process everything that it's happening today, you started to get ready and decided to have some good breakfast. You need to relax a little, you don't need anything else but that.

Suddenly you received a message from Rowoon; it was a video. You opened it.


-Oh, Chimin! We are having so much fun! – Rowoon said as he started to film himself at the camera.

-Chim! Look what we made! Aw, it's a shame you couldn't be here – Dawon said as he showed you their house decorated with balloons and birthday theme decorations.

-You have to come after, you promise me that – Taeyang said with a smile as he passed by the camera.

-Don't be late – Chani said with a smile as he followed Taeyang.

-We'll see you later, Chimin! – Rowoon said, and after that, the video ended.


Nobody is going to accept if you don't go, but you are wondering if you should go now or after the whole party thing... you really don't want to ruin anything for your friends. And honestly one part of you does want to go and enjoy your time again with your "brother", but you're afraid of having the same feelings that tear you both apart. The only thing you can do now is waiting for the party to be over and finally face the one you loved time ago.

Why do I have to love you? Especially you, the one I'm mad at since you left me behind.

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