15 || Oddly changes

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-Chimin's POV-

-Everything is done so, do you want to talk about today? – Emma asked as she put the agenda away.

-Do you mean what happened with Tyler? – You asked.

-Exactly! There you go, you are smarter enough to know that Tyler is being really creepy towards you – Emma said as she sat next to you.

-Emma... - You complained.

-What? I'm telling the truth – Emma said. –And I bet Hwiyoung is not going to like this.

-He doesn't know about him yet – You said as you looked down to the floor.

-Why? – Emma asked surprised.

-I was planning on telling him everything today but he didn't contact me through the whole day – You said concerned.

-And you even tried?

-I did but he didn't answer, I called Inseong though and he told me that they were busy doing presentations and other activities from their schedule – You explained.

-So if it's only that don't fog yourself up with other thoughts, got it? Now let's head over to sleep and we'll wake up earlier tomorrow – Emma said as she patted your back.

Both of you stood up from the couch and went all over to your bedroom, you two are going to sleep at your house since you needed to get something done before tomorrow's morning and because you wanted to talk with Emma. Today you felt left out, and you feel that something else is happening in between the members; Taeyang used to call you all the time, he used to be there with you twenty for seven and now he's not there and that worries you a lot. 

"Maybe I made something wrong" – You though while getting on your bed.

-Goodnight, Chimin – Emma said before she went to the guest's room.

-Night, Emma – You said as you smiled at her.


-Hwiyoung's POV-

-I'm hungry! – Chani complained as we were walking down the street.

-You had breakfast just some seconds ago – Youngbin said surprised.

-But it wasn't enough – Chani kept complaining.

-Drink water, that's what you need – Jaeyoon suggested making Zuho chuckle.

-Hyung! – Chani kept complaining.

-You woke up really noisy boy – I said as I patted his back.

-Shush, I know what I'm doing – Chani said as he put his finger on my lips.

-Let's record something from Fantasies, shall we? – Inseong said as he took out his camera and he started to record some things, including Dawon dancing with Rowoon.

We were having some time off before our interview of today and the other activities we have from our schedule, and Taeyang is feeling not that well again which makes me feel guilty but I guess there's nothing I can do.

-How are you doing? – I said while surrounding his shoulders with my arm.

-Better... I guess – Taeyang said as he released a settle smile.

-Come on, cheer up we have the chance to be together under this beautiful weather – I said while looking at the sky.

-I'll try – Taeyang said positively as he reloaded his head on my shoulder.

We continued walking while the members started to record everyone including Taeyang and me, they started to bother us which made Taeyang's mood better and brighter. Without noticing I crashed into someone.

-Sorry – I said while the other guy stood up.

-No problem, it was my fault – The guy said before he bowed at me, then he left; as soon as he left Taeyang got towards me and he pointed at my jacket's pocket.

-You have something there Hwiyoung – Taeyang said as he got towards me. I took the paper out of my pocket and it was a letter.

-"Don't try to protect her because you can't, you are her brother, not her lover. Stop pretending that you love her, she's mine and nobody will have her. Just me and no one else. Kim Young Kyun this is the last warning for you to act normal with Chimin" – I read the paper out loud capturing all the members' attention. Inseong stopped recording and he got towards me really confused and concerned.

-This might be a joke – Zuho said upset and worried.

-And if it's not? – Taeyang said worriedly.

-Let me read that thing – Inseong said upset as I gave him the paper.

-Who gave it to you? – Youngbin asked concerned.

-The guy, I crashed against a guy just a moment ago and there's when the paper appeared – I said concerned.

-There needs to be an explanation for this – Jaeyoon said worriedly.

-Which one Hyung? – Chani asked confused.

-Someone is behind Chimin, and the problem is that he knows more than he should – I said frustrated.

-Let's return to the company – Rowoon suggested as he patted my back gently.

-Chimin's POV-

-I don't understand, why are you asking me about him? – You asked confused.

-Let me explain to you, Chimin. Some employees are really worried about you since they told me that Dr. Tyler is acting in bad terms – Your boss said as he sat down on his place.

-Wait a second; bad terms? I mean he's my friend in spite of his odd attitude sometimes that we are alone – You said a bit concerned.

-Alone? Explain to me that Doctor – Your boss said seriously.

-Well, sometimes that I'm at my office he comes inside and he gets odd, he acts out of place – You explained.

-Alright, doctor, I'm going to ask you to keep your distance with Dr. Tyler until I get enough pieces of evidence about the current issue. For now, continue with your usual schedule – Your boss said before you walked towards the door. –And doctor, great performance at the surgery.

-Thanks, boss – You said before going out of his office. You walked towards Emma's office really upset with her since you know for sure that she was the one that told the boss what Tyler was doing to you.

-Emma why you told the boss about Tyler? – You said upset while getting inside her office and then you closed the door behind you.

-Chimin, don't overreact. You know that he was acting odd against you and I wasn't the only one that spoke up – Emma said as she walked towards you.

-Listen, he's making you feel uncomfortable here at this hospital and I will not like you to go to another hospital – Emma said as she held your shoulders gently.

-Oh, Emma! I'll never go to another hospital for this reason – You said with a settle smile. –Now you should know that I'm fine and that I'm probably going to need your advice with Hwiyoung.

-Why? Did something happen? – Emma asked worriedly.

-I don't know, I need to found out today.

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