19 || You didn't love me?

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-Chimin's POV-


You are walking through the hospital's hallway, you barely arrived to your work shift for today so you are hoping that today's day might give you the distraction you need.

-Chimin! – Emma said as she saw you coming inside the offices' area.

-Emma? What's going on? You look worried – You said concerned as Emma grabbed your hand, and then without saying a single word she guided you towards Tyler's office.

As soon as you arrived you saw a lot of officers checking the outside of his office and even the inside, you are totally in shock by the scene you're looking at... it seems that they were investigating a criminal.

-What happened here? – You asked concerned while looking at the officers doing their job.

-Hmm, I'm not the one that should tell you, Chimin. Anyways, the boss is searching for you – Emma said as she patted your shoulder.

Immediately, you went towards the boss' office and you got inside without even knocking since you need to know what happened with Tyler.

-Dr. Kim, you're here – The boss said surprised as he looked at you.

-Yes. Emma told me that you wanted to see me? – You said concerned.

-Yes, indeed. Please take a seat – The boss said before you two sat down. –Listen, Dr. Kim, your co-worker Tyler is under legal investigation.

-I noticed that already, but why? – You asked concerned.

-He was trying to get inside your office at night time, when nobody was around – The boss said serious. –Luckily the guard from the hospital stopped him, but he ran away and he hasn't crossed the hospital's door again.

-But just because of that? – You asked confused.

-No. The detective that is taking this case found out that he's been using this medical space to stalk, and I'm ashamed to inform you that he's been behind you all this time Dr. Kim. He has been stalking you since sometime now – The boss said really worried. –In the other hand he hacked the system of various hospital's confidential information trying to found out more things about you and your past, doctor.

-I can't believe it... but why? – You said concerned.

-I don't know... but if I called the FBI is because I think he might be dangerous. Doctor, his actions are not right and as a doctor on my own I can tell that his mental health is damaged – The boss said. –That's why I want you to head over to your house, I'll take care of all your duties until this case is solved and until the FBI finds Dr. Tyler.

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