11 || Secrets to Myself

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-Chimin's POV-

After some time, you totally calmed down with help of all the members from SF9, they continued their usual schedule as always and you actually got the chance to see Hwiyoung in the recording studio rapping his part of the main track for their next mini album. However, this situation is really odd and confusing for all the members, leading Youngbin to take care of this situation, he's with their manager now telling him what happened and that someone is using the company's name without permission. Also doing fake statements about the artists which are really scary since that person knows more information than any other fan.

Currently, you're about to go back home since they need to keep rehearsing and doing their stuff but no one wants you to go, in some way you want to stay too but you know that they're very occupied.

-Come on stay a little while, at least wait for Youngbin-hyung to come, Chiminie! – Chani complained as he was pulling your hand.

-Chani, you have to keep on doing your usual schedule and I can't interrupt you, I promise we'll have some time together after you're done – You said as you smiled kindly.

-Chimin is right Chani, we need to keep on recording and rehearsing – Rowoon said as he patted his head.

-She's just going, for now, she'll be back – Inseong said kindly as he looked at you.

-Exactly – You said as Chani looked at you with a puppy face, then he started to hug you tightly.

-*Sigh* sometimes I miss you way too much, that's why I want you to stay – Chani said with a gentle and soft voice. Everyone in the room was surprised by Chani's instant motion, and you could see Taeyang bothering Hwiyoung because he was way too close to you. As you kept looking at Taeyang laughing at Hwiyoung you instantly embraced Chani and then you caressed his hair gently.

-I miss you as well, but remember that I'm always with you, okay? Work hard Chani – You said as you looked at him with a bright smile while caressing his hair.

-I will Chiminie, take care – Chani said before he gave you a sweet kiss on your cheek, making all the members looked away surprised and disgusted while Jaeyoon and Taeyang were holding Hwiyoung's arms to calm him down.

-Way too cute – Zuho said disgustedly.

-Way too lovely – Dawon complained.

-Way too jealous – Taeyang said as he pointed at Hwiyoung making everyone laugh.

-I'm fine, what are you talking about? You're the jealous one here – Hwiyoung said while pushing Taeyang as a joke.

-*Chuckle* sure, sure – Taeyang said as he teased him, they stared at each other with a smile while playing with his hands.

-If this is cute, what is that? – Chani said as he laughed.

-Couple goals – You said as you started to laugh with Chani while Taeyang and Hwiyoung stared at both of you with a death gaze.


You left FNC entertainment studios as you told Chani some hours ago and at the moment you're at our house just finishing up some things you need for your schedule of tomorrow's morning, however, during all the time you've been here by your own you can't stop thinking about the letter and what happened with Chani at the practice room. You were teasing Hwiyoung and you can't deny that it's odd that you do that kind of things to him since you never ever done it before, and you actually didn't think about it at all it just happened naturally.

-I'm such a fool... why did I act like that in front of him? He's probably hating me right now – You said to yourself as you slammed your face against the pillow from the couch when suddenly you heard that someone was knocking on your door.

-Chimin it's me, Hwiyoung. Can we talk? – Hwiyoung said as he kept on knocking.

Immediately you stood up from the couch and went right ahead to the restroom, you looked at yourself on the mirror and you were trying to fix your hair.

-Going! – You shouted in a hurry. As soon as you thought you looked good enough you took a sweater from your room, you put on and finally, you got towards the door and opened it.

-Hey, what are you doing here? – You stuttered as you reloaded your arm on the door frame.

-We need to talk – Hwiyoung said a little serious before he got inside your house.

-I thought you had a tight schedule – You said confused as you followed him after closing the door behind you.

-Yeah well, it wasn't that tight – Hwiyoung said as he sat down on the couch from the living room, then he reloaded his hands on the back on his neck with an expression full of frustration.

-Is something wrong? – You asked as you sat next to him.

-That letter, who gave it to you? – Hwiyoung asked as he looked at you.

-One of the doctors that work there, why? – You asked.

-Nothing, maybe I'm overthinking the current situation – Hwiyoung said as he reloaded his back.

-What did your manager say? - You questioned.

-Well, he said that the company is going to be doing some investigations about the information we share to our fantasies, but to be honest, I don't think one of our fans did it – Hwiyoung said concerned.

-No, me either. But, no one in the hospital knows that I'm related with you – You said as you looked at Hwiyoung worriedly.

-*Sigh* this is so complicated – Hwiyoung said as he looked up at the ceiling.

-Hey, calm down... this is going to be solved sooner or later, and it's better if you concentrate on your coming album – You said as you released a settle smile.

-I hope you're right little sister – Hwiyoung said as he kept on looking at the ceiling.

You stared at him for some seconds before you reloaded your head on top of his shoulder, then you started to embrace his arm against your body like if it was your pillow and you cuddle up with it.

-Chim? – Hwiyoung said as he looked at you.

-You aren't my brother at all, right? – You said as you stared away from him.

-Right - He nodded

-You still love me, right? - You questioned

-Right - Hwiyoung answered.

-So, can you forget me? – You asked without hesitating as you tried to hold your tears.

-You keep saying your thoughts without any filters, Chimin - He said before he sighed. -So that's what you want me to do for you? – Hwiyoung asked as he looked at you concerned.

-I just want the best for you – You said.

-You're the best for me, and you know that – Hwiyoung said as he tried to look at you but you refuse to look at him.

-Am I really the best? Or you just say that because you love me? – You asked while some tears started to fall down your face, but immediately you clean them up.

-I say that because you are the person that I watched growing up and turning into a beautiful and pure woman, without you I'll be a lost star – Hwiyoung said as he started to hold your hand gently.

You looked at him amazed by his words, both of you were looking at each other so closely that the tension started to appear between you both. Hwiyoung started to caress your cheek softly while you were getting lost in his dark eyes.

-Hwiyoung... don't.

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