8 || Not an easy Love

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-Hwiyoung's POV-

Once again I'm on my bed doing absolutely nothing when I should be dancing, practicing and giving Fantasies a good day but I can't since my manager wants me to rest, just like the rest of the members. They said that I should stay calm and that I should rest just today to gain more strength, but it's too difficult for me since I will love to be practicing and enjoying my time at the studio.

This morning the members went to FNC entertainment, they were really annoyed that I couldn't join them for today's schedule but orders are orders, and I can't contradict our manager. However, staying alone for a while also helps me to think and concentrate, and in this case, I wanted to concentrate on what happened yesterday with Chimin. That's the first time we were that close, and to feel her like that again in my arms makes me feel better in so many ways but I guess that is way too soon to be together. And as I told her; I'm going to give her the time she needs, I don't want to rush anything between us but at the same time, I do.

I guess I'm afraid that Taeyang can take her away from me, and despite Chimin's words I still believe that she can change her mind and heart, and she might love someone else... maybe Taeyang.

-Chimin's POV-

You're at work barely going out from a surgery you had to take care of, and luckily everything went well and your patient came out with his heart beating. Currently, you're resting a little after telling the family of your patient his health condition, this day was going faster than you thought, however, something has been on your mind since you came to the hospital.

You are thinking about what happened yesterday with Hwiyoung, and how much you regret avoiding his kiss since you really wanted to feel that sensation of being near him like that again. To distract yourself you started to check other archives you needed to organize when suddenly Tyler appeared at your door.

-Hey, Chimin! Good job over there at the surgery, you were excellent – Tyler said as he released a smirk.

-Thanks, I tried my best. So do you want to talk to me? – You asked as you kept focused on the work.

-Well, if I'm here is because I want to have lunch with you since it's already time to eat – Tyler said as he pointed at the clock that was on the wall.

-Sure, but you are going to choose the place – You said with a kind smile.

-*Laugh* sure thing Chimin, now let's go.

Tyler took you to a nice restaurant near the hospital, he was in a great mood today and you're happy about that since he's very close to you. During lunch you two started to talk about work and the stuff you needed to get done before the month ended, then he started to talk about his family and the experiences he had with them in the past, and as he kept talking about that he started to question you about yours.

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