14 || Step away

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-Chimin's POV-

After that day at the beach, you haven't seen Hwiyoung and Taeyang, you still communicate with your brother but that's all, and instead, you are hanging out more with the rest of the members. You always ask for both of them and every single time they answer; "It's a delicate situation". Either way, you hope that they are okay and you are happy to know that at least Taeyang is not all alone, including that you still talking with Hwiyoung through the phone.

Currently, you are going out of the hospital since you already finished your shift for today, you are planning to get some food when suddenly someone started to back hug you. You turned around to see who it was and surprisingly it was Tyler, you immediately stood away from him and you smiled at him to feel less uncomfortable.

-Y/N what a surprise, you finished your shift too? – Tyler asked as he smiled at you.

-Yes actually I was going home right now – You said a bit nervous.

-What do you think if we go to eat together? There's a cool restaurant near the hospital – Tyler suggested.

-Sure, I don't have a problem with that – You said somehow insecure.

-Well, let's go – Tyler said very happy-. You two went all over to the restaurant Tyler suggested, it was a very nice place and the environment was pretty neat. Both of you ordered your food and some drinks, actually Tyler ordered a bottle of red wine for the table which surprised you since he doesn't drink a lot.

The talk between you two was going pretty normal; talking about the job, gossiping about the possible romances at the hospital. Everything was going really nice and you weren't uncomfortable anymore, however, once again Tyler started to ask you about your personal life and Hwiyoung.

-Hwiyoung's POV-

I was going to see Chimin today at her house since it has been half of a week since I saw her in person, we could say that we communicate with each other through video calls and texts but for me, it's not enough. Today that Taeyang is feeling better and is getting happier so I decided to leave him with the rest of the members.

I was walking through the streets and I was looking my surroundings, I found myself in front of a restaurant and I saw Chimin through the window; she was with another guy and they were looking pretty happy. Instantly I felt my heart beating faster and for some reason, I felt defeated, I looked at them again and now they were drinking wine together. I ran away from there and went back home with the rest of the members, I feel used and nothing was clear at that point.

I opened the entrance door and before I got inside I faked a smile since I don't want the members to tell me something or to scold me, I got inside and everyone stared at me confused.

-Hey, you came back early – Rowoon said as he was writing something down on a notebook.

-She's at work so I didn't want to bother her – I said as I started to go upstairs.

-Maybe next time kiddo! – Inseong said while smiling.

-Hwiyoung? – Taeyang murmured.

-Yeah, maybe – I said before I got towards my room. I took my jacket off and I threw it, I placed my hands on my head and I tried to contain my tears from falling.

"Who was that guy? Why they were together? Why is Chim drinking wine?" – I asked to myself when suddenly someone came inside the room.

-You were there for me now I'm here for you. Hwiyoung, what happened? – Taeyang asked as he sat in front of me.

-Nothing hyung – I said while keeping my head down. Taeyang took my hand and he started to caress it softly, he smiled at me trying to comfort me.

-What happened with Chimin? – Taeyang asked.

-I... I saw her with another guy in a restaurant, they were looking so happy and she was drinking wine with him, WINE! – I said really frustrated. Taeyang sat next to me and he reloaded my head on his shoulder while he patted my back, I could hear him chuckle at some points which really pissed me off.

-Don't laugh about this, it's very serious Hyung! – I complained upset.

-Hwiyoung-ah you are very jealous, Chim is loyal and that's why I liked her a lot. I know her and I know she's not cheating on you, actually, you can't call that cheating since you two aren't a couple – Taeyang said as he smiled at me.

-Yah! Taeyang-hyung, don't defend what she's doing. Either way, she's drinking wine – I complained.

-Well, in that case, you will need to talk with her, but Hwiyoung don't fog yourself with jealous thoughts, okay? – Taeyang said as he patted my back.

-Don't be jealous kiddo! – Inseong shouted from the outside of the room.

-Did he notice? – I asked surprised.

-*Laugh* everyone noticed – Taeyang said as he laughed.

-We noticed a little jelly! – Dawon shouted cutely.

-What he said! – Zuho shouted too.

-*Chuckle* I thought nobody noticed.

-A simple charming smile is not going to cover up your jealousness. Come on let's work – Taeyang said as he took my hand, we got out of the room and then we continued with our work.


-Chimin's POV-

You were with Emma at your department since you two are doing some work together, right now you are kind of concerned about Hwiyoung since he hasn't texted you through all day.

Maybe he's busy.

-Okay, patient number 4 is going to have a surgery tomorrow morning so we have to be prepared for that – Emma said as she programmed that on the agenda.

-I'll have patient 6 after that surgery so we'll need to use the room 32 for that – I cleared up as Emma wrote that down too.

-Ah! Chimin, I can't work like this knowing that you went on a date with Tyler – Emma complained concerned.

-It wasn't a date, you know that my heart belongs to another person – I said.

-"To your Idol", I know that Chimin but accepting to hang out with him at a restaurant, really?

-Emma, he's just my friend.

-But he's a creepy friend, Chimin he's always behind you and watching you. You know what they say, you should step away from the ones that want more than a friendship – Emma said while rolling her eyes.

-Nobody says that – I said confused.

-Exactly! So you are the first one to use that phrase, step away from Tyler. He's creepy and I'm afraid to lose my best friend – Emma said concerned.

-I'll be alright Emma, don't worry about me.

-I'm not sure Chimin, he's behind you more than before.

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