16 || What is love?

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-Hwiyoung's POV-

I'm on my way to meet my mother again, she called me some time ago and she told me that she wanted to see me since she needs to talk to me about something really important. We decided to meet at the park that is near "FNC entertainment", and I don't know why but I feel that it might be something really serious by the way she told me to meet with her.

-Good to see you son – My mother said as soon as I walked towards her.

-Mother, you look really worried. Is everything alright? – I asked as I hugged her.

-Let's sit down, okay? – My mother said as we both sat down on the bench in front of us. –Have you seen Chimin lately?

-No mother, I was very busy with the group and she's been busy with her work as well – I said. –But why are you asking?

-Hwiyoung, as your mother I have to look after you and I need to take of you but, Chimin has been like your sister for so long that I have to take care of her as well – My mother said very worriedly.

-Tell me what's going on, please if I can do anything tell me – I said worriedly.

-Chimin is in a terrible situation, she'll have more struggles in the future and I know it's a lot to ask but she needs to be protected by you specially – My mother said very worriedly.

-Mom, tell me details, something else – I said concerned.

-Someone is behind her, and she can get hurt – My mom said while holding my hands with nervousness.

-The letter...? – I thought as I took out the paper that guy gave me when he crashed. –A guy crashed against me earlier this day and he left this – I said worriedly as I gave her the paper.

-It's a warning but you shouldn't be worried about it, you'll be alright – My mother said as she looked at me really concerned.

-How are you so sure about that? – I asked confused.

-I'm just being positive and I bet that your company is going to protect you – My mother said a little nervous.

-Chimin's POV-

-Sorry to call you again this day Chimin, but I received an urgent message from the security – Your boss said really serious.

-What happened? – You asked confused.

-A letter came to you again from FNC entertainment and the company notified us that they never send you a letter nor a message about one of your patients and that they never will because you know the idol you are in charge of – Your boss explained.

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