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-Chimin's POV-

"-Hwiyoung! Where are you?! This is not funny – You yelled as you kept running through the meadow.

Then you felt how someone held your toe, you turned around scared and luckily it was Hwiyoung. He started to laugh so hard by your reaction, and because you were so scared you started to cry.

-Hey... it was a joke, why do you cry? – Hwiyoung said as he stared at you worried. You didn't reply, instead, you kept crying out loud. Hwiyoung looked at you really worried, he got towards you and then he started to hug you.

-I'm sorry little sister, I never meant to worry you – Hwiyoung said as he kept on hugging you."

You woke up exalted and immediately you started to look around the place, you touched your face and then you released a sigh.

Just a dream.

What you just dreamt about was actually an old memory of you and Hwiyoung when you were kids, you used to spend all the time together and he was used to scaring you all the time. And just like him, you keep your most precious memories wandering around your mind. After this odd moment, you're ready to get back to work, so you stood up and just went right ahead to get dressed.

-Hwiyoung's POV-

I woke up with an odd dream inside my head, for me, it's weird to dream about the past nowadays so it's really impressive for me.

-Hey man! You look like if someone woke you up at night, are you okay? – Zuho said as he was preparing the breakfast.

-Ah... I had an odd dream that's why – I said as sat down on the bar stool.

-Dream? About what? – Rowoon asked curiously as he sat right next to me.

-I was a little kid again and I was laying down on the ground from a meadow I used to visit a lot with Chim, then she appeared in front of me so I took her toe and I scared her. He started crying and then I console her – I explained. –Ah! It was so odd.

-Did that really happened? You know, did that happened when you were kids? – Zuho asked curious.

-Now that you ask that, yes it did happened hyung. How odd... - I said surprised.

-What a sweet memory, even back then you were making people cry – Rowoon said as he released a chuckle.

-Hey! – I said with a smirk as I hit Rowoon's shoulder which made Zuho laugh.

-You two! Get right here, you have to get ready before we head over to the studio – Inseong shouted from the second-floor balcony.

-Going! – Rowoon and I said at the same time, then we headed over to our respective rooms. I got inside my room and as I was supposing, Taeyang was there.

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